shadow play[pt. 2]; twibra

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"you want to reunite me with my first friend?" sombra asked.

twilight turned around. "is that a problem?"

"uh.. kinda." he looked down.

twilight raised an eyebrow. "well— you can tell me on the train." she levitated him in the air and ran towards the train station.


twilight and sombra made their way towards cadence's castle, so twilight could visit with her family, and sombra with them books-. (imma go put myself 6 feet under real quick-)

the two made their way through the castle halls, to see flurry heart.

twilight opened the door to flurry heart's room to see sunburst, shining armor and cadence playing with her.

flurry saw the two and flew over to twilight hugging her.

sombra watched as the three of them exchanged hugs.

as he was doing that, flurry heart flew over to him and bopped him on his muzzle.

sombra smiled at her and she hugged him.

"we should get to the library." twilight said, pulling flurry hear off of him.


sombra rested his head on the table as twilight threw books on it.

"look through those." she said, not looking at him from the bookshelf.

sombra skimmed through the paragraph's and stopped when something caught his eye. "found it." he sighed.

twilight flew down and looked at the book. "do you think she still lives there?"

"i don't know."


sombra walked up to a certain house and knocked on the door, hoping that no pony would open it.

of course, his wishes didn't come true and the door slid open a little bit.

"r- radiant hope ?"

she popped her head out of the door and looked up at sombra, smiling. "sombra?" she ran out of her house and tackled him to the ground. "oh. it's been forever. how have you been? you're not going to destroy the crystal empire again? are you? or kill the princess? then again, if you do do that, i could be a princess—wait, no, don't do that— oh it's so good to see you!" she hugged him and his just stared into the sky.

"good to see you, too." he hugged her back.

"looks like you two are getting off to a good start." twilight smiled.

radiant hope looked up at the purple alicorn and squealed, hugging her.

sombra got up off the ground and looked at the two, shaking his head.


radiant hope, twilight, and sombra all talked for awhile in the dining room of radiant's house.

"i never knew princesses were so fun to hang out with." radiant hope said.

"i'm the princess of friendship. i love making new friends!" twilight smiled.

"is it cold in here, or is it just me?" sombra asked.

the three fell silent and radiant hope looked around the room.

"no, it's cold in here." she said as the three hopped of their stools.

twilight walked towards the door and opened it to see snow falling from the sky. "uhh. i think i found the problem." she said, with her voice shaking.

the two ran to the door and looked up at the sky as millions of dark clouds started covering the crystal empire.

"the crystal heart." twilight said running out of the house and towards the castle.

sombra and radiant exchanged a look of worry and followed twilight to the crystal empire.

twilight made it to the castle and inside the curtains that were covering the bottom side of it. sombra and radiant followed close behind her.

the three of them looked at the crystal heart.

or where the crystal heart used to be.

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