thank you; thrysalis

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chrysalis made her way to the door of grogar's lair, only to be stopped by tirek.

"where are you going? we have a plan to go over. cozy glow's already asleep and you're supposed to be helping me."

"can't." chrysalis said, dryly.

"you've gone out every night. what's so important anyway?" tirek asked, leaning on the table.

chrysalis glared at him. "can you mind your own business for once?" she asked and walked out of the lair.

chrysalis moved a branch out of her way to reveal her mother's resting spot. he mother appeared and chrysalis smiled softly, sitting down in front of her. "hi, mama."

"so. what's your plan? or do you still not have one? i was right. you would be a terrible queen."

chrysalis sighed, looking down.

"but there's no way you could be a terrible daughter."

chrysalis looked up at her mom. her light blue-green hair flowing, just like celestia's. "your family doesn't visit anymore. it's just you. how's the hive?"

"their gone.. and starlight's the one to blame for it!"

her mother wrapped her in a hug and stroked her hair. "calm down, my precious princess. all in good time."

a bush rustled slightly and chrysalis jumped. "i should get going."

"goodnight, princess." he mother said disappearing.

chrysalis flew back to the lair slowly, staying low incase there were any pony's up at this time.

she landed and walked into the lair, only to be stopped by tirek.

"that's were you've been going every night?"

"you—" she looked up at him, "you followed me?"

"you were keeping secrets."

"you're invading my privacy." chrysalis yelled.

"we're supposed to trust each other!"

"well—" she stopped to think if she should say what she was about to say. she said it anyway.

"well maybe i don't want to trust you!" she yelled, tears streaming down her face as she fell to the floor.

tirek's eyes widened at the changeling. he had never seen her cry, and he didn't know what to do.

he sat down next to her and ran his figures through her hair. "hey.. i'm sorry, i didn't mean to yell at you." he sighed. "or invade your privacy. i just—" he looked down at the changeling, who was now looking up at him, her eyes still full of tears. "i just wanted to know what you were hiding."

chrysalis laid there.

"why are you doing this?"

"doing what?" chrysalis whispered.

"why do you want to take over equestria? why didn't you just reform with the rest of her hive."

chrysalis sniffled. "i had to stay strong." she got up and sat in from of tirek. "for her. when she was the queen of the hive, she gave us food. but when she passed away, we starved. my family moved away and i stayed. i couldn't let them starve."

tirek smiled, knowing now that she DID have a heart.

"i became queen. and look where it's lead me." she sighed. "i just wanted to make her proud."

"i'm sure you did." tirek said, pulling her into a hug.

she sat there in his arms and then pulled away and stood up. "i'm going to bed."

he nodded and she started leaving the room. he got up and went back over to the table.

"tirek?" chrysalis whispered.

he looked up at the changeling that was standing in the doorway.

"thank you.." she teared up slightly. "for everything."

he nodded.

"our pact still stands y'know. what we do, we do together." she said.

he nodded again.

"do me a favor and don't tell cozy glow about any of this." she said, rounding the corner. "i don't need her thinking i'm weak too."

once she was out of earshot tirek smiled and said. "i don't think your weak."

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