the canterlot wedding[finale]; twibra, thrysalis, starburst

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"first we take canterlot, and then, all of equestria." chrysalis giggled, looking out at tirek stealing magic and cozy glow helping him.

starlight stepped forward. "no."

chrysalis turned around and looked at the pink alicorn.

"you won't." she flew up slightly. "sombra may have failed at doing his duty as captain of the royal guards, but now that you have so foolishly revealed yourself, i will be able to protect my subjects from you." she shot a lazer beam down at her and chrysalis shot one back.

starlight looked up at the beam, seeing that she was about to be defeated, she remembered a spell sombra taught her and used it against her.

chrysalis landed on the ground exhausted.

"i can do this all day." starlight said.

"so can i." chrysalis replied.


blah blah blah, they fight, chrysalis, tirek and cozy lose, and get sent to tartarus lol-

jk, i loaf the leggin of deem-

aka, the legion of doom-


"you guys have a real wedding to put together." cadence said.

soon enough the real twilight was standing right beside sombra, in front of cadence.

"may we have the rings." cadence asked and starlight, who was now standing next to sombra, levitated the rings over to her. "i now pronounce you mare and gentle colt." she smiled as sombra kissed twilight softly.

when the two walked out on the balcony starlight looked back at sunburst who was looking up at her, smiling.

twilight looked out into the crowd and saw two ponies she had longed to see since they had retired.

celestia and luna.

"you see them too?" sombra whispered in her ear.

she nodded, smiling down at them.

"hey." shining armor nudged sombra side.

sombra looked over at twilight brother, hoping he wouldn't choke him half to death.

"take good care of my sister, will ya?"

sombra nodded and looked down at twilight, who was looking down at the crowd like she was back at her own coronation. he turned back to shining armor and said, "i would never hurt her."

shining armor nodded and made his way off the balcony with cadence.

"i love you." sombra whispered to twilight, kissed the side of her head softly.

twilight looked up at him. "i love you too." she kissed his muzzle, then whined, "stop being so tall!"

sombra chuckled. "can't do that, love."

AnD tHeY aLl LiVeD hApPiLy EvEr AfTeR-


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