mistake[pt. 1]; (kinda) not a ship one-shot

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this takes place after "this return of rose edge", aka starlight kingdom. it's kinda like the crystal empire, vanished years ago along with a villain, nightmare glimmer, aka, starlight's lost sister, who looks kinda like celestia.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

you probably know where this is gonna lead-


starlight glared up at celestia.  "are you serious?"

celestia nodded and sighed, reaching for her hoof but starlight pulled it away.

"don't try to comfort me! you lied to me! i'm a grown mare now! i needed you when i was small, but you weren't there!" starlight said, tears forming in her eyes. "a- and you gave me away."

"it was for the best starlight." celestia said.

"no. it wasn't.." starlight said, tears streaming down her face. "don't bother talking to me at the ceremony tomorrow. in fact, don't bother talking to me ever again!" she ran out of the throne room crying.

"no- starlight—" celestia sighed and closed the doors.

starlight made it to rose edge and calmed down, slightly.

"starlight!" rose called after her sister. "you won't believe what i just found out! so, you that rose edge festival where everypony turns glittery?"

"uh huh." starlight said, still walking forward.

"well, we need to start planning it, it happens in two days!" she said.

"yeah. okay. imma go lock myself in my room until then." she walked into the castle and turned to one of the guards. "find all my friends and tell them to meet me in the throne room, please."

"of course, you're highness." the guard said, running off.

starlight's went to her room and grabbed a few lists, then headed to the throne room.

starlight opened the door to the throne room to see that her friends were already there.

"hi, guys." the pink princess said.

"you feeling, okay, starlight? you don't sound like yourself." sunburst said.

starlight let out a sigh of frustration. "i'm fine." she said, smiling faking and levitating a quill to one of her listen. "i just wanna-" she mumbled a few things under her breath, trying not to poke a hole in the paper she was holding.

"say that again." trixie said.

"nothing." starlight sighed, turning to them. "since we're the new rulers of rose edge, it's our job to keep this place safe and clean." starlight said, her lip quivering. "uhm." she sniffled softly, hoping no one heard her and continued talking. "sunburst, you're the captain of the royal guards, i need you to come up with plans to keep the town safe." she said and sunburst nodded. "maud, you're our landscaper. trixie, you'll be preforming stage magic for the citizens. everyone got it?" she wiped the tear that just streamed down her face away and looked at everypony.

they all nodded and left to go do their jobs.

everyone but sunburst.

starlight went to the balcony and looked out at rose edge. she bit her quivering lip and, not knowing sunburst was right behind her, let out a tear.

sunburst made his way behind her slowly and wrapped his front legs around her, resting his head on her back gently and startling her.

"s- sunburst?" she turned around and looked at him as he looked up at her. "go away."

sunburst sighed and sat next to her, pulling her so she faced him. he grabbed her hooves and said, "starlight, talk to me. i'm your boyfriend. we talk to each other—" he kissed her hoof gently. "—its what we do."

starlight bit her lip and looked up at sunburst. "i know who my mother is."

"that's great!" sunburst said.

starlight shook her head. "and now, i don't want to know."

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