scared; starburst

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starlight peeked into maud's classroom and write something down on the clipboard she was levitating.

"kinda creepy if you ask me." gallus said.

starlight turned to where he was standing to see sunburst's class gathered around him.

"where are you guys going?" starlight asked.

"i'm just taking them for a walk." sunburst smiled as he picked up a small child and put her on his back.

"okay then." she walked past the class to trixie's classroom to see all of her students sleeping. "not surprised." she wrote something down on her board and continued.

after she finished her rounds she made her way back to her office once the bell rang.

"starlight!" trixie sang. "i have a question," she walked in and closed the door.

"shouldn't you be helping the students?" starlight asked, looking through her papers. "plus, i don't have time for questions."

"ill do that in a bit. and yes you do." she smiled. "why aren't you and sunburst a couple."

starlight stopped looking at her papers and up at trixie. "what kind of question is that?"

"just a i'm-your-bestest-friend-in-the-whole-country-and-i-deserve-to-know question." she smiled.

starlight sighed. "sunburst is just a friend. that's all he has been."

"keyword; has." trixie pointed out.

starlight glared at her. "okay. i'll admit it. i do- like him a little bit, but—"

trixie screamed and starlight covered her mouth. she calmed down and starlight uncovered her mouth. "you have to tell him, right now!" she yelled levitating her to the door.

"trixie no!" starlight yelled and trixie dropped her.

"why not?"

starlight sighed and looked away, mumbling something under her breath.

"what was that?"

starlight mumbled it a little louder.

"still can't hear you."

starlight rolled her eyes. "i'm scared of falling in love!" she said, a little too loud.

trixie stared at her. "are you serious?"

starlight sighed and nodded.

"but being a love is the best thing that can happen to you." trixie said.

"not for me. i don't know why i feel like this, but i do." starlight said. "it might have something to do with my mom." she sat back down in her seat.

"speaking of your mom, i've never met her."

"neither have i."

trixie thought for a moment, then realized what she just said. "oh."


"i've met her." sunburst walked in the room. "kinda."

starlight jumped. "how much of that did you hear?"

"only the things about your mom. why? what else did you say?"

"nothing." starlight said. "but what do you mean?"

"i was in her room when you were born. our parents were friends back then." sunburst smiled, remembering what she looked like. "you were so adorable. i got to hold you."

starlight's eyes went wide after sunburst said that.

"awwwww!" trixie squealed. "but what was this have to do with anything we were talking about?"

"what were you two talking about?"

"um- nothing." starlight looked down at her papers.

"starlight likes you, but she's too afraid to tell you or open up and say it, she also says that she's afraid to love which is ridiculous, cause everypony can love." trixie said all in one breath. "right?"


"actually. not everypony can." sunburst made his way over to starlight and rested his hoof on top of her's, looking at trixie. "some go through a lot of things in their past that make them afraid to love." he looked up at starlight. "i get it."

starlight bit her lip and sunburst smiled up at her.

"i should get back to class." he made his way out of the office and trixie screamed.

"shut up and go teach—"

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