pain; daballeron

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twilight; this is going to be the last battle ever

me; i stg if tirek, chrysalis and cozy glow get ded or reformed i'm shooting hasbro.

yes. i'm adding a new ship. caballeron x daring do. fight me.

this is sometime after caballeron and daring do start dating in my mind lol-

"dude, she cried over you for weeks! she wouldn't even talk to me!" rainbow dash yelled at caballeron, almost enjoying that pain in his eyes.

"i know." he said, looking out the window.

rainbow dash walked to him. "then why didn't you reach out to her? why didn't you give her the closure she needs?" she yelled at him.

a single tear ran down his face. followed by another one. and another one, until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed down his face, releasing the sadness and sorrow that had been held inside of him all this time. he still didn't make a sound.

"because i'm hurting too!" he yelled back, "because i'm afraid if i see her crying in front of me, i'll apologize and beg for her back, but i can't do that!" he dropped his gaze. "i can't hurt her more than i already have." he turned back to the window and sat down. "just go."

rainbow dash sighed and looked at the door, then back at caballeron. "let's go." she grabbed him and pulled him out of his house.

"go in and talk to her." rainbow dash said. "or i'll push you inside."

caballeron stared at her and then looked at the door. he sighed. "fine." he opened the door and looked around at the house. "a.k?"

sniffling came from under the bed and he looked over at it. "d?" he asked, looking under it.

"what do you want?" she asked.

"can we talk? please?" he whispered.

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