shadow play[semi-finale]; twibra

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"sombra's in danger."

"w- we thought you were dead!" rarity said, wiping tears from her face, hugging twilight.

"i'm not. i'm right here." twilight hugged her and looked at starlight and sunburst. "we need to help sombra."

"but isn't sombra the bad guy?" applejack asked.

"he is. but i think he's just being mind controlled. he let me go. i need your guys' help." twilight said looking her her friends.

"count me in!" rainbow dash exclaimed, putting her hoof in the middle of everyone.

twilight and soarin joined her.

cheese and pinkie looked at each other and then joined them.

sunburst, starlight, discord, and fluttershy added their hooves(or paws) in and smiled.

applejack and rarity also added their hooves in and they chanted a few things before running to the train station.

"crystal empire, please." twilight told the conductor. "and hurry."

starlight stepped out of the train and followed the rest on the group into the crystal empire.

once they all got in there, they heard, "get them" from the castle.

guards surrounded them, high and low.

"don't let them distract you!" twilight yelled, running forward, the rest of the following her.

starlight shot lasers at the guards while rainbow dash and soarin busted them out of the sky.

the mane six went into the castle while the rest of them let the crystal ponies of of the chains and distract the guards.

starlight looked over at discord, who was sitting on a house, eating popcorn. "discord! help us!"

"ugh, fine." discord said, snapping his fingers to release the crystal ponies from the chains.

starlight levitated herself up to the clouds to her soarin clear them.

"need any help?" a voice called out.

starlight moved a cloud and looked at who said that.


"oh! thank goodness your here!" starlight said, levitating her self down to the ground along with starswirl.

"i was called upon." he said, looking over at sunburst.

"we don't have time for talking!" cheese yelled, looked at the guards who were surrounding them.

the six of them back up into each other and looked at the guards.

starlight put a bubble around the six of them and pushed the guards back. "get to the castle!"

the six of them ran to the castle, jumping of chains and passing guards.

"here to lose a battle this time, eh?" sombra asked as starswirl, starlight, sunburst, cheese, soarin, and discord opened the doors the throne room.

"oh wonderful, you brought backup." he rolled his eyes, zapping a laser beam towards them.

starlight blocked it.

"huh?" he did it again and she blocked it again.

twilight rested her hooves in rainbow's and pinkies hooves. the six started floating.

"huh! you can't destroy me! i'll destroy the source of your power!" sombra shot a laser beam towards starlight and before she could block it, it hit her.

"starlight!" sunburst ran over to her, resting his hoof on her side.

twilight teared up and looked back at sombra. "you can destroy the source of our power, sombra, but you can't destroy our friendship."

"and we keep telling bad guys." rainbow dash said.

"but y'all just don't seem to listen." applejack said.

"friendship is magic!" the six said together, the ball around them expanding across equestria.

twilight opened her eyes and looked up at the throne to see a motionless sombra.

she got up and walked to him slowly, touching his front leg. "sombra?"

sombra fluttered his eyes open and looked up at twilight. "i'm sorry." he whispered. "i didn't—"

twilight hugged him, smiling softly. "i know. you didn't mean it. what happened?"

"i touched the crystal heart." he said. "my shadows took over."

twilight sighed and hugged him again. "where's the crystal heart."

"we have it." shining armor said, walking in the room with cadence, flurry heart and radiant hope following. "and you are going to pay big time. guards!"

"no!" twilight stood up. "he didn't mean any of it, please!"

shining armor sighed. "keep him out of trouble, twilight. will ya?"

twilight nodded.

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