Chapter 17

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New part for yalllllll :)

Sorry I haven't been updating! I'm so busy! So much homework and I just failed my science test........ Shit... Haha...

Well love you all!

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-Vinny's P.O.V-

It's 1 am and I can't seem to fall asleep. Everytime i close my eyes I see hers.

All sad and lonley, needing love. I wanted to be the one to give her the love and make her happy.

Next time I see her I will try.

All I can do is try..

And hope it somehow works.


-Sophie's P.O.V-

I wake up and just lay in bed. I don't feel like getting up. I look at my flower from yesterday at the park. It's in a glass of water on my bedside table. It still looks just as pretty. Maybe even more.

I hear Serena get up out of her bed which is next to mine in the same room.

"Sophie?" she whispered

"yeah.." I barely speak out.

"Get up Lazy! ", she laughs. " We got stuff to do today! Alexa and Kelsei are coming soon. We're gonna meet up with a couple of their friends."

I sighed.. "ok..."

I get up and get ready. I don't want to ruin Serenas summer just because I'm upset.

-Serena's P.O.V-

I'm waiting for Sophie to finish getting ready. I go to see where she's at. She's sitting on her bed in sweats and a t-shirt.

I laugh to myself and go to the dresser.

I pick out a cute tank top and some shorts.

"Now go put these on."

She looks at them then gets up and put them on.

When she comes out I do her hair and then look at her.

"is this really necessary, Serena?"

"yes it is... But it's missing something"

I see her flower, I go and pick it up, i put it behind Sophie's ear and clip it there. It looks perfect. I smile and she turns and looks in the mirror.

-Sophie's P.O.V-

I actually looked.... Beautiful. I was amazed. I was ready to go out now.

So we left and met up with Alexa and Kelsei we went shopping and just looked at all the buildings for awhile.

We went to go meet up with Kelsei and Alexa's friends who were twins. Their names were Lizette and Celina. They were super nice and luckly were easy to tell apart. Me and Serena had met so many new and nice people... And some that we would like to forget (Noah..) but we tried to not think of them.

- Serena's P.O.V-

All 6 of us were becoming the best of friends even though most of us had just met.

I started getting worried though because we were getting close to the dance studio where the ICONic Boyz were rehearsing...

-Madison P.O.V-

This rehearsal was starting to get long. I mean I love dancing but I really wanted to see Serena.

I looked out the window..

Oh hey look Serena..... Wait Serena??

I yelled to the boys "Be right back!!"

I ran out the doors and ran up behind Serena.

I put my arms around her waist and spun her around.

Then I kissed her like I'd never kiss her again....

-Serena's P.O.V-

I heard giggling and I felt him pull away.

But my eyes were still closed.

Our first kiss and it was.... The best thing that had ever happened in my life!

I opened my eyes as he said "Hey there Babe." with his arms still around me.

I just about fainted. He was so breath taking.

"hi" was all I could manage to say

He laughed. "how bout you and you giggling friends come watch the rest of our rehearsal?"

I looked over his shoulder at the other girls they were all saying "awww" and talking about how cute me and Madison were. They heard what they said and started nodding... Everyone except Sophie, who was standing behind all of them looking at the ground...

*Back in the studio*

All the boyz were looking out the window now watching what was happening.

"Yeah Buddy! Go Madison!" Nick yelled.

Jason and Mikey both said "Look at all the girls!" at the same time which made all of them start laughing.

They started fighting over which girl they wanted.

All the Boys except Vinny who just stared out the window..

-Vinny's P.O.V-

There she is...

She still looks sad..

What's in her hair..?

Is that...?

The purple flower...

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