Well this is an interesting bus ride.

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••• Josh's pov•••

Today is the day I start highschool, it actually started a week ago but I had to much to do. I grabbed my blue striped shirt and blue jeans then put them on along with my black tennis shoes. Before I walk out of the door I made sure to grab my monstermon cards and look in the mirror. " style never changes huh?" I say to myself then  walk out of the door and to highschool.

••• Nugget's pov•••

I ride the bus to school like always I have McDonald's Chicken Nuggets stuffed in a pocket. I look at the girl sitting next to me that sadly likes me. No one knows I'm gay except my best friend Josh, he hasn't been here the first week of school but he should be coming today. I sigh and look around the bus, not surprised at the seating arrangement.
Theodore and Felix sitting together like always
Jerome and his little handicapped boyfriend, how did they come out so easily?
Cindy and penny, those little brats
Buggs and Ozzy, poor ozzy
Carla is sitting by herself
And I'm unluckily with my kindergarten crush, Lily. She still liked me and it's so obvious.

I sigh and slump down in the seat. " Nugget where's your friend? J.... John " lily said. "Nugget's friend is named Josh! He saved your lost brother, how does lily not remember?" I said and got dragged into a conversation with Lily.

••• Theodore's pov•••

" stop staring at that Ruffian, teddy! "  Felix said and lightly slapped me. " oh uh sorry Felix" I say and turn my attention off of Nugget. I kind of like Nugget, but I'd never date him. My family is a homophobic, transphobic religious household. So if I came out as Pansexual to my family I don't know what will happen. " hey Felix?" " what teddy" my workaholic twin brother said. " what would you say if I told you I like girls and boys?"

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now