We're finally older!

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" you know what?" " haha! What?" " when we get older. 18 and 19 imma marry you!" " that's a little far away don't you think? We're only 6 and 7" " yeah but I mean it! It's not that far if you just believe!"

••• Nugget's pov •••

" I can't believe it Theo" I said as I stared at the small pastel yellow house on Lemon St. " yeah. I never thought I'd be able to afford it" Teddy said and hekd the small box tightly in his hands. " well... what are we waiting for?" I said as I walked up to the door of the small house and pulled out the key from my pocket. I unlock the door and open the door, Theodore standing next to me. I walk inside first and take in the smell, the house smelt of candy and citrus. I set the boxes I was holding down and walk back to the navy blue Jeep. I grab out a few more boxes and set them in the house. Teddy helps me until all the boxes are inside.

••• Theodore's pov •••

I start unpacking some of the boxes, little by little the house was actually starting to look like a home. What a home should be. Finally when we got done unpacking a knock came from the door, Nugget rushes to it and opens it while I'm setting the last few dishes up. " Felix! Nice to see you!" Nugget said happily. I walk over there and peak to see who it was. " Theodore." Felix said as him and Nugget broke the hug. Felix ran in and brought me into a bone crushing hug. " I haven't seen you in forever!" He said happily and broke the hug. " you too Felix" I smiled. "How uh AppleSoft doing?" I asked about the old company my parents used to own that they handed down to Felix. " oh that... I just promoted a random worker to manager and left." " good job." I joked. " psh yeah" he laughed and sat down on the couch in our living room.

" fag!" "Unloveable!" "Piece of shit!" " nothing!" " your glad your family even kept you!" " HEY! Stop messing with my brother like that!"

Me, Felix, and Nugget day in the living room, eating and chatting while we waited for others to show up. " yeah so if you do want anything from the house you can get it. It's not like dad or mom is alive anymore" DING! The doorbell rang again. This time I could hear a few people chatting. " I'll get it!" I said and walked over to the door then opened it. I saw Lily, Penny, and Carla all standing there chatting until they noticed me. " sup Theo!" Carla said. " hey son I mean Teddy!" Lily chirped. " Hello Theodore" Penny said and robotically waved. " hey! Come on in!" The three walked in and joined the two in the living room.

" it seems you don't have a good parental figure so I'll be your mother from now on ok sweetie!"

" Theodore. I may be an Android unable to feel emo-tions but if you ever need to talk I'm here"

" you ever need anything I'm here. Wether it's live advice, you just need to vent, or your trying to hide a dead body!"

I laughed at the memories and leaned against the stair railing, no need to sit down it I know other people will be coming. Speaking of that someone started hitting the doorbell over and over. I opened the door. " aye TedTed! " josh said and walked inside. " everyone's in the living room" " okay!" He said and walked into the room everyone was in.

" so you.... like every gender? And the person your crushing on right now is nugget? Well.. I'm here for you dude "

A smile grew upon my face as the memory was quickly interrupted by someone knocking. "Wonder who it is this time" I roll my eyes and open the door to be greeted by a ginger I thought was dead. " hey- gah!- Theo!" Ozzy said and hugged me before walking to the living room. I decided to keep the door open this time.

" hey- gah!- don't worry I'll-gah!- protect you with my life!"

" hey nerd you may be a dumbass but I won't stab you this time!"

" your looking to sell? This thing.... I'll get about 1 buck outta this. But ok"

" thanks for helping me stick up to Carla! She's a meanie! "

I close the door, everyone's here. I smile as I walk into the living room to join the conversation they were having.

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now