Will i see you again?

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••• Theodore's pov •••

I looked at Nugget, he was sleeping so peacefully... I ran my hand through his hair and smiled as I watched him move a bit in his sleep. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again, since they found Cindy's dead body we get the rest of the week off school. I started drifting into sleep when loud knocks could be heard from the door. I pull my arm from under Nugget's sleeping body and get up to go see who was banging on the door, the slightly lighter blonde boy got up as well. I grabbed my tie from off the ground, I have a bad feeling about this.... I put it on and lazily tie it before we both walk to the door.

••• Nugget's pov •••

Teddy opens the door and steps back a bit when he sees who's there. I look at the two and I go wide eyed.

Felix was there, an evil smirk wide on his face

And they're father was there too, I've never seen him before and now I wish I hadn't

" how do you even know where Nugget's house is?" I ask them, mostly asking Felix though. " Felix has Snapchat and your bitmap ( or whatever the f*** it's called) is on" Felix answered while Theodore got his shoes on. He got up after he successfully got his shoes on, his father grabbed his arm and pulled him outside. " oh yeah, Sidney-" " his name is nugget!" Theodore yelled as he was being dragged away to their car. " we're moving away so have fun trying to see my disgrace of a brother again" Felix said, raising his voice in disgust when he said brother. I slam the door in his face then slide down the door until I'm sitting on the ground. I put my hands over my eyes and cry. Theodore's voice played over and over in my mind, his laugh was what I could hear the most along with his cries...... " hey sweetie... I'll bake cookies and you can tell me all about how you and your little boyfriend met and what just happened " my obese mother came waddling into the kitchen and I wiped my tears. I weakly smile and get up. " that sounds nice.."

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now