Why does every girl like me?!

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••• still Theodore's pov •••

I woke up, Nugget's grip was tighter than it normally was and his cheeks were stained with red tear streaks. I quickly slip out of Nugget's grip and grab my phone off of the bedside table. " 7:58...." i sleepily say before my eyes wander to the day. MONDAY " shoot!" I get dressed and pull my phone off of the charger then look at Nugget, he was sleeping peacefully. I decided not to wake him up and I set a little note on the bedside table before shoving my phone in my pocket and walking to school. I'm already late so why not take my time?

Le time skip to hall time.

Josh didn't come to school either which was weird. Maybe he has a monstermon battle? I sat on a bench outside of school, just looking at the scenery. It was so peaceful except for the few boys throwing a football back and forth. I was alone and that was a good thing this time but then a little blonde bitch in a blue prissy dress decided to come up to me. I sigh as Penny stands in front of me. " hey Teddy... I um just... I like you!" She yelled, I go wide-eyed I definitely did not expect that. I relaxed as much as I could before I began to talk" Penny your really uh... er nice? But I'm gay and already dating someone..." I retorted. "O-oh...."  the blonde bimbo said before sadly walking away. " god she's annoying...." I said under my breath before finally being able to enjoy the outside while I can.

Time skip to lunch because do I really gotta write out a whole fucking day?

I grab my tray of food and sit down at my usual spot next to Felix. He was talking to Monty about something before the crippled ginger rolled away in his wheelchair . " what was that about?" I asked Felix . " oh just some stupid business deal.." he said as he picked at his food. I looked around the cafeteria and spotted the anxious ginger playing around with his fidget toys. When he didn't have those things he bit his hands... I don't know why I think something happened in kindergarten that messed him up. "Hey Felix..." I say and look away from Ozzy and at my twin. " yeah?" He answered, still occupied with some papers Monty have him. " remember when you used to be really mean to me and even tried to kill me?" I asked my almost identical brother as I ate lunch. " oh yeah.... I do but I trust you I'm not that mean anymore.... OMG A SPIDER RIGHT THERE!" He yelled and pointed right next to me. I jumped up in my seat and fell on the ground. " AHH WHERE?!!!" I said and the lunchroom erupted into laughter. Carla came over and put a hand out for me to take. I gladly took it and got up. " that wasn't funny Felix" Carla said. " it's.... it's fine Carla that's just how he is" I say quietly. " that needs to stop!" Lily shouted from across the cafeteria and stormed over. The room fell silent as only her flat's making faint tapping noise as she stomped. " oh no this again" Carla mumbles and rolled her eyes, she put her hands over her ears. I just decided to watch, I had no idea of what's happening. " DON'T YOU DARE SCARE MY SON, YOUR BROTHER TO BE PRECISE EVER AGAIN IN THIS SCHOOL OR YOUR HEAD WILL BE ON A STICK!" She yelled and slapped Felix across the cheek, hard. " hey hey hey settle down!!" The old hag known as the lunch lady said and waved her ice cream scooper in the air.  Lily and Carla day down along with me at the table I was at before. " why'd you call me your son?" I asked the girl right to me. " oh well everyone I grew up with are my children! Except 2......." said lily while trying to braid her short pixie cut hair. " who are the two?" Carla butted into our conversation. " well Nugget is the son we don't talk about, he's the disgrace. And Cindy.. ew that blonde haired bimbo and her stupid pink drew and her stupid sparkly hair and her ocean blue sparkling eyed and that  stupid grin smothering in lipstick and lipgloss that looks so kissable-" " you have a crush dude!" Carla interrupted. " wha- how- no- I can't- wait- wait no- ehh... erm.... uh..... what?" The black haired lady said. " oh yeah theodore I know I watched you and nugget kiss but do you wanna go out wi-"


" damnit the bell!" Carla cursed under her breath. " what were you going to say?" I said but lily heard what Carla said about me and Nugget and she exploded. " WHAT?! YOU KISSED NUGGET! AND DIDNT TELL ME ABOUT IT?!" Lily started but I quickly shushed her. " shut up not everyone knows!" I hissed and the three of us walked out of school, talking the whole way to each of our homes.

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