Its not kidnapping if ya know em

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••• Nugget's mom's pov •••

" so... the one in the blue shirt is his brother- er... twin and seems very scary but is actually really weak and gets scared easily?" I recap what my son just told me. " mhm!" My blonde baby boy said as he stuffed his face with cookies and chicken nuggets. We sat in silence before I spoke up " you know what!" I shouted, a smile spread across my face. " wat?" Nugget said and stopped eating. " we're going to take your boyfriend!" I yell and raise my gist in the air. " I dunno..... isn't that kidnapping? Child abduction?" My son asked, he never talked in 3rd person around me, only around his friends does he talk like that around me. " it's not kidnapping if ya know em...... anyways don't you have that chapsnap or whatever?" I asked. " mooommmm it's snapchat and I do why?" " it has a map on it doesn't it?" I said and tapped the buttons on his snapchat, accidentally opening a chat that had nudes on it. " YOUNG MAN!" I practically yelled as I set the phone down. " yeah- oh those were just to my boyfriend" he said, stuffing his face with food again. " oh ok just don't send em to anyone else! Anyways let me get to the map....." I say, pressing my sausage like fingers to the glass. I tried to get it and eventually did ( with Nugget's assistance) and looked at it. The map showed two bit characters moving on the roads, they weren't to far. " okay! Get your shoes on, and some better clothes. I can't let my little bwabee waybee go out in his dirty clothes" I say and pinch his cheeks. " Moooommmm" he groans and swats away my hands before going to his room. Meanwhile I walk to my room to change into less pretty clothes.

••• Nugget's pov •••

I walk into my room and take off my Cavetown shirt, I fix my binder a bit and put on my red flannel. It's my iconic look, everyone knows me as the weird kid who wears a flannel so I gotta wear it. I slide my pajama pants off and put on my flared, ripped jeans before pulling on my small black socks and get on slip on my Vans. I look in my mirror and shake my head, letting my hair mess up and stick up before walking out of my room. " IM READY MOM!" I yelled so she could hear and pick up my phone. I decide to text Theodore. I open up snapchat and click on the chat that says baby Theo❤️

  <Hey babe, answer meee
< just hold on, we tryin to save you
> your so dorky ok❤️ ily
< 👁❤️U2️⃣

I set my phone down as my mom walks in. " alright! We coming Teddy!" She says, out of breath from running down the hall. She shakes her keys and walks out of the door to the car, I follow.

( so sorry it's short and ends on a cliffhanger but I'm so tired 😓)

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now