First date for two 1/2

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( ⚠️inappropriate jokes in this chapter!⚠️)

••• Nugget's pov •••

My eyes flutter open and I look around. The first thing I realize is that I'm I. my room, the last thing I remember was cuddling with Theo in the backseat of the car so he must've brought me inside. Second thing I realize is that I'm in a T-shirt ( that may or may not be Minecraft) and basketball shorts that I for some reason own. Did.... did Theodore change my clothes? I blush at the thought and Slowly remove myself from the sleeping blonde's embrace. I quietly get up and open my door then walk into the kitchen to steal some blueberries, grapes, blackberries, and raspberries to eat. I check the time,   4:01 Holy shit it's early . I sleepily walk over to the fridge and open the door, a glass bowl falls out and shatters on the ground. " sshhhhooootttt " I whisper to myself and step back a bit, not making any sound. I sigh after a while, I'm glad I didn't get in trouble. " Nugget! What did you do?" My mother yelled from her room, dangit I jinxed it. " sorry mom I didn't mean to a bowl fell out when I opened the fridge door sorry sorry sorry sorry" I say and pull my hair. I guess Theodore woke up from the sound because he came in and hugged me from behind, telling me it's ok. I immediately calmed down and stopped pulling on my hair.

••• Theodore's pov •••

" let's clean this mess up ok?" I say, chuckling a bit at the end and I let go of Nugget's waist. " o-ok" I could tell if I didn't do that sooner he might've had a panic attack to be honest. Nugget left to go get the broom and I grabbed a few paper towels then begin to wipe the pudding that fell out of the bowl up.

After we finished cleaning it was 6:10 since we stayed up chatting and eating, his mom joined us at some point. " Hey nugget and Theodore why don't you two go out and do something together?" Caroline asked us. " you just described a date Mrs. Smith" I say, plopping a few berries into my mouth. " I mean Caroline"  I felt Nugget's hand heat up under mine when I said the word Date, making it easy to tell he was blushing. " yeah one of those! Omg you know what, you could go to the movies and have your first kissss " she said. " we already had our first kiss mooommmm" I heard Nugget say after he pulled his hand out from under his, I assume he has his head in his hands. " oh really now? Now just remember if you guys are going to fu-" " I'm gonna go change now....." I cut Nugget's mother off and hop up from the stool I was sitting on before walking to Nugget's room to steal some of his clothes to wear. I push Nugget's door open and walk into the room, closing it behind me. As I'm searching through his closet for some clothes to wear I hear Nugget and his mom talking and I wish I had a camera on me to record the conversation, it was so funny.

"Nugget when are you going to get a car?"
"I don't know when you take me to get my drivers license "
" ugghhh fine you beat your momma at this conversation again"
" if you guys do have it remember to use prote-"
" mom! Stop talking about this he can still hear you!"
" he needs to know too! He's probably a top"
"Pfft no he's not, he's probably a switch..."
"Says the bottom"
"Mom how the hell do you know I'm a bottom?"
" I can just tell by how you act"
" mom your disgusting "
" you don't mean that"

I laugh a bit and grab a white and black shirt along with  some non ripped jeans. I change and walk out of the room and back to the kitchen where the two were at. " nice conversation you two were having"  I joke, his mother bursts out in laughter as Nugget pulls his shirt to cover his face. " Nugget's going to go get ready " he said and hopped up before walking into his room and closing the door. I look at Caroline and we high five. " thanks for helping me arrange a date" " no problem, I just love seeing my little boy grow up"

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now