What happened last night?

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••• Teddy's pov•••

My eyes flutter open, I feel something warm pressed up against me. I feel legs intertwined with mine and my head was cushioned by some soft blonde hair that smelt like dirt..... but it comforted me in a way. Once I wiped my eyes and looked around I realized where I was... Nugget's house. What happened last night? Why can't I remember everything.... everything in my mind is so faint. All I remember is saving nugget then the kiss. I don't remember anything else. "mmmmm" I heard a quiet groan from the boy that was cuddled up to me, then I heard him yawn and he lifted his head up. " good morning Nugget" I said in a soft tone. "Hgggg Nugget wishes to sleep moreeeeee" he said and cuddled up impossibly closer. " speaking of sleep... you were down there when I fell asleep" I said. " Nugget has a nightmare and came up here with you" Nugget said and squeezed me a bit tighter. " oh... want to describe it to me?"

•••Nugget's pov •••

" oh... want to describe it to me?" The handsome blonde I was cuddled up with said. " Nugget was laying down and a creature stood in the corner of the room.... Nugget has this nightmare all the time but this time Nugget couldn't move, Nugget could see you sleeping and Nugget couldn't move" I said, although my voice being muffled by Theodore's shirt. " that's sleep paralysis, if you've had it before it shouldn't have been scary..." Theodore says while playing with my hair. " it only happened this time...."  I said and felt small tears form in my eyes. " what do you normally do when you wake up from them then?" The taller boy I was cuddled up to asked me, god he asks a lot of questions but I get why he does. " Nugget usually hugs Nugget's pillow and cries...." I said, my voice getting lower. It was a few moments of silence until I began sobbing. He rubbed my back with his fingers and brought me higher up so my head was near his. " it's ok, it's ok" he repeated in a soft comforting voice while gently rocking me before he kissed me and breaking the kiss. By that time my tears were dry and I hugged him tighter, never wanting to let go. " Nugget loves you" I say to him.

" Theodore loves Nugget back.."

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now