So why is it only you?

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••• Nugget's pov •••

We sat in the car talking about anything and everything, its not like our house is far away, we live twenty minutes away from that gas station. We stopped and got some ice cream. " Nugget didn't know you liked mint ice cream" I said to Theodore as I licked my vanilla flavored ice cream. " well yeah I do! Felix like pecan and I told him he's weird for liking that he flavor" he said from the backseat "......." we all sat in silence for a few minutes until Theodore spoke up. " hey ms. Nugget-" " call me Caroline, deary I think calling people by their first name is more proper " my mother said as she drove. " oh ok, Caroline... uh sorry if it's a personal question but why is it only you?" He asked, my eyes went wide and I looked at Theodore before my gaze feel upon my mother. She sighed and looked down a bit, still being able to see the road. " Willow was a swell fellow, we planned to get married when he came back from the war...... he never did though, he died... bullet to the heart.... I was left to raise my little Nuggy wuggy-" " MOMMMM!" I yelled and lightly slapped her. " what? I thought you liked it when I called you that and little Nug Nug-" " OK MOM GET BACK TO THE STORY" I practically yelled, I heard Theodore laugh from the back seat before stopping when he felt my death glare. " fine. You were I'd say 4 or 5 at the time... you started that new little kindergarten. I remember one day you came back without an arm! Your glad you had that Monetie kid" " Monty, his name is Monty" " right! Monty, anyways you got your robot arm yada yada. One day you came back with a shovel and a few spiders in your hair..." I looked back at Theodore, he froze in his place remembering the events of that day. " what happened anyways?" My mom asked, Theodore wanted to answer with the truth, I knew that look in his eyes but I quickly thought up a lie. " made a nugget cave, found a spider web and I guess they crawled in my hair" I said and turned back around so I was facing the road again. " oh! You and those little caves... " I looked into the review mirror, my baby Theo was obviously sad and had a few tears I. His eyes. We already threw our ice cream out of the window because we were done so Theo has his long arms crossed. I look at my mom who was still driving,  man how slow is the speed limit? I unbuckle and climb into the backseat where Theo was currently located and I cuddle up next to him.

••• Theodore's pov •••

I was spacing out the whole time I didn't realize that he climbed back here with me so I was quite surprised when I felt a warm body cuddle up next to me in the seat. " ah-" I sat and look over at Nugget, he actually fell asleep in the 4 seconds I was looking away. I kiss him on the forehead and put my arms around his waist as the car pulls to a stop. I gently move him off of me as I unbuckle my seatbelt before opening the car door and grabbing the boy from the car. " you can go inside, it's unlocked. I have to call someone " Ms. nugge- I mean Caroline says and I nod as a response. I walk away to the house with my baby dearest nugget in my arms, assuming his mom closed the vehicle's door behind me. I nudge open the door to the house and walk to Nugget's room, I gently set him on his bed and untied his shoes, slipping them off his feet and setting them by the door. I did the same but with my own shoes. " he probably isn't to comfortable in those clothes...."

—— time skip cause I'm not gonna describe them changing. Ya nasty——

I climb in bed with Nugget and I lay the blanket on top of both of us, leaving our heads un-covered. I cuddle up with Nugget, I'm kind of glad I get to be the big spoon for once.

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now