First date for two 2/2

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••• Nugget's pov •••

I look through my closet for clothes and find a blue flannel and ripped jeans, I throw them on my bed and contemplate wether or not to wear an undershirt. I decide not to and shut the closet door. Before closing my blinds and changing into my jeans and shirt.

A few minutes after I slip my socks on and pull my black converse on (that may or may not have a few drawings of penises and much more on them) before opening my door to my room and walking out. Theodore and my mom were chatting about the 80's and all the old school movies. Apparently Theo knew a lot about the 80's along with the 50's and 90's, interesting. " there were so many 80's classics!" My mom said. " I know like E.T, back to the future, gremlins, the goonies, ghost busters, the shining, and Heathers just to band a few" My boyfriend said. I creep behind Theodore and jump on his back. "Ah!" He smacks my face. " owww" I fall off of him when he turns around and I hold my cheek in pain while rolling around on the ground. " oh sorry I didn't know it was you Nuggy!" He says and picks me up bridal style. " Theooooo" I groan as he sets me down on my feet. " You didn't need to do thaaatttt" i say and cross my arms. " I know but it's a kind gesture isn't it?" He said and kissed my cheek. My mom giggles and walks down the hall to her room. " you boys have fun! There's a cafe and s park just down the street" she said as she walked into her room. " come on!" I say and start walking to the door, he follows.

Time skip!! They basically went to a cafe, chatted they saw lily and talked with her before going to the park and messing around on the equipment and now they're walking home.
••• Theodore's pov •••

"  but like think about it. Does lily is gay?" Joked Nugget as we were walking back. " I can't breathe" I say through laughter before catching my breath. " better question does lily is gay for Cindy is gay?" I say. " totally! But like Cindy is dead" Nugget said and we both broke into a silence. I listen to the crickets chirping and the frogs croaking, it's calming but a little to silent. " oh remember ' pretty lily ' " I said, making quotation marks with my fingers when I say pretty lily. " Nugget remembers that. God Nugget was dumb back then" he said and our conversation ended, we both listen to the calming sounds of the animals. I look at the sun going down behind the trees, some of it being covered by the pastel pink and yellow clouds that lay above the orange, pink, and yellow sky. I nonchalantly put my arm around Nugget. " god your so awkward" He cringed. " how so?" " your doing the cringy thing.. in public!" He said as I watched a red blush spread across his face. " so I can't..." I put my hands on Nugget's cheeks and kiss him on the lips. He kissed back before moving back, breaking the kiss. " g-god... we just kissed in public...." Nugget said, clearly embarrassed. A few people were outside at that time. Specifically Buggs and Carla. " ewww gayyy " Buggs hissed from the other side of the road and Carla recorded the whole thing. I was about to say something but Nugget grabbed my arm and pulled me with him as he ran back to the house.

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now