Whats a school without murder?

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As Felix was about to answer the bus hauled to a stop. The doors opened and kids rushed off the bus.

••• Nugget's pov •••

I was second to last off the bus ( penny being last cause she's penny) I saw Josh and we talked until we got inside the school and sadly had to split up. " Nugget will see you later!" I said as he waved goodbye and we went our separate ways. I went to my locker and looked at a note that was taped to my locker door. I wasn't surprised, I get notes telling me to kill myself all the time. I open the letter and of course it tells me to kill myself and I just crumpled it up.

••• Josh's pov•••

Just as I'm finishing breakfast the school bell rings. " great, E.L.A" i grunted and stood up. With a half eaten bagel in my mouth I walk out of the cafeteria and to the English Language Arts room.

Time skip brought to by the janitor war

As I walked to lunch with Nugget I saw Cindy getting beaten up and made fun of by Buggs and Felix. Teddy was standing behind Felix with his arm holding onto the other, he didn't dare to say anything to Felix. I didn't really mind it but Nugget put his arm out in front of me and silently walked to teddy, he whispered something to the nicer twin and he nodded then the two walked back to me. " Teddy is going to have lunch with us" Nugget said . " I thought it was pretty te-" Nugget elbowed my arm and the three of us walked to the cafeteria.

••• Teddy's pov•••

I sat with Josh and Nugget, we were joking around and daring each other to do dumb stuff. I enjoy hanging out with them, they're more lighthearted and they joke around way more than Felix. Felix has actually been different lately, like bad different. "Hey teddy" Josh said. "What?" I answered, knowing I was gonna get dared. " I dare you to tell us your crush" he said, I watched Nugget lean ever so closer to the table. " it's Ozzy" I said, not even hesitating with my answer. It is true though, I do like Ozzy. " o-oh.... Nugget will be right back, Nugget has to use the restroom" the other Blonde boy said and walked away. " wonder why he got so flustered?" I said.

•••Nugget's pov •••

I walked out of the cafeteria and out to the hallway, I hear cries for help and I quietly walked over to see who was so desperate for someone's help. I get to a row of lockers and peek out from behind one of them. I see Cindy laying dead on the ground, a knife planted right on her heart. Her bloody body laying lifelessly on the ground, my eyes gaze upon two pairs of shoes. One of them were all black, spiked boots and the other where brown...... dress shoes. I quickly hide as Felix looks over. I press my hand to my mouth, my eyes wide. " omg omg omg Felix killed Cindy" I repeated quietly then I did something I regret, as if I couldn't look away from the body I peek around the corner again except this time Felix catches me. " hey!" He said in a loud, stern voice. " oh crap" I say and start running to the cafeteria, the blood soaked blonde following close behind me. " NUGGET SAW FELIX WITH CINDY'S DE-" before I could finish I was dragged out by someone, I looked around at the hallway I was being dragged down. It was getting harder to breathe, I took a gasping breath as my eyes fluttered into darkness...

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now