Coming out in the Huxley family

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This will contain homophobia and transphobia so if you don't like that don't read.

••• Teddy's  pov •••

I wave my friends goodbye as me and my identical twin walk off of the bus, him telling me to not talk to them like always. I watch the bus drive away, me and Felix walk into our house. Felix goes right to his room and I do the same. I turn the door knob to my door and it slowly opens, I look around at my plain room and sigh. I've always wanted my room to be different, more colors and stickers but it's always been plain white with basic everything. I walk into my room and close the door before sitting on my bed and grab my phone, looking through people's stories on Snapchat. It's always the same stories.

Carla at soccer practice
Monty trying to sell stuff
Felix advertising the business
Cindy with a bunch of boys at a club
Lily doing makeup tutorials
Josh showing off his monstermon cards..

But one was actually different, Nugget's. He never posts on Snapchat so I look at it...

it's a video of Nugget in a giant cave, he's just sitting in the ground staring to the side. He's saying nothing , the cameras just recording. It looks like Ozzy is holding the camera by how shaky it is, he's saying nothing as well. Then there's a growl and the phone drops.... screams being heard.

" holy crap... I gotta go see if they're ok" I say to myself and set my phone on the bed, I open my door and walk downstairs. I'm about to open the door when my dad speaks.  " Felix told us something you said on the bus ride to school" my dad said and I look over at the boy standing with perfect posture, a smirk plastered on his face. " why did you-" I asked Felix desperately only to be interrupted by my dad again. " you don't like girls and boys. You like girls! Understand me!" He yelled and I dropped my head down in fear, I look at my feet as tears start to form in my eyes. " y-yes sir...." I said and before I walk out he tells me I can't hang out with " that transgender nugget obsessed girl"  I nod and walk out of the house and to Nugget's house....

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now