We stole the child

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••• Theodore's pov •••

I was forced to sit in the backseat, which I didn't mind. I've always sat in backseat, I've sat in front only when Felix isn't here which he always is. I've been staring at my text for what feels like hours. They're gonna come and save me! I should be happy but.... I don't want to leave my brother alone, he may be rude and mean but he's weak and scared. He gets kind of insane clogged up in his room all day, and when that happens he comes to my room and we hang out. He's actually nice if you get past his rude exterior. " teddy!" My brother in blue snapped his fingers in front of my face and I snap back into reality. I look around and figure out we're at a gas station, we probably ran out of gas. " hey Theo....." Felix said, I'm surprised he called me Theo. " what?" I said as cheerfully as possible. " I love you... I know I haven't said that that much.... but I feel like I should...." Felix said. " I love you too Fel!" I say and hug him, it takes a moment for him to hug back then he let's go. " so what was you and Nugget's plan or whatever?" " oh yeah it's-"

••• Nugget's pov •••

" they stopped so we can just be like hello hi grab ok bye" I said while looking at my phone. I hadn't gotten any messages except me explaining the plan to teddy and him just responding with 👌 now a new one just popped up.

< so um Felix is in on the plan too
>I thought he hates me!
< no we talked
> oh okay

" hey mom" " yes Nuggy Wuggy?" " don't call me that, anyways his brother is gonna help too" I said. " I thought he hates you!" " that's what I said but apparently they talked" I told my mother. " oh okay"...... we sat in silence for almost the rest of the ride until we saw the gas station. " that's there's black car right?" My mom said from the drivers seat and I scrolled up to look at the picture Theodore sent me. " yeah"  I responded and texted him that we were here.

••• Theodore's pov again •••

" okay you remember what I told you to do?" I said to Felix as I got the text that they were here. "  go distract dad?" Felix answered. " yeah! bAnd you remember where he lives so you can come over?" I asked him . " yeah MOM" he joked and rolled his eyes. We sat there for a second before I texted Nugget and Felix looked out the window. " go" he said and hopped out of the car and wined to my dad who was walking back. They walking inside the gas station we were parked at and I hopped out of the car and ran to Nugget's car. I banged on the window once and they unlocked the door, allowing me to hop in. " that was the most crack plan ever" I say as I close the door. " Nugget knows" my boyfriend said and I nodded. " I sure hope Felix can come without any trouble.... he really wants to get on better terms with you...." I say, my voice lowering. Nugget looks out the window. "DRIVE MOM! DRIVVVEEEE!!" He says and I look out the window, my dad was trying to open the locked car door. Before he could really do anything Nugget's mom hit the gas petal and we drove out of the parking lot.

( sorry it's shit, and it's long. I'm never good at writing these types of events good especially if I don't know the characters like the twins dad and Nugget's mom. But it worked out in the end 😁)

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