Cartoons and poptarts

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••• Nugget's pov •••

I sat in my room, drawing a picture. I'd say I wasn't the best at drawing but Theodore says I am. The drawing was realistic, it was of a boy i saw in my dream. He had flowers sprouting from his eye and other places on his body. As I just finished the shadows and added my signature Teddy walked inside. I jump up and run out of my room then embrace Teddy in a hug. " you left Nugget " I said Angrily. " well yeah but you were asleep" he said and I broke the hug. " guess what happened today though" "what?" " Penny AND Carla both confessed to me today" he said, mostly in disgust. " ewwww that leaves lily to confess to me. Disgusting " we just kinda stood there for a second. " wanna watch cartoons and eat as many pop tarts as we can?" The tall blondie suggested. " hell yeah!" I jump up and down before rushing over to the kitchen and trying to find the pop tarts.

••• Theodore's pov •••

" your so childish" I chuckle as he rushes to find pop tarts like his life depends on it. " shut up! At least Nugget doesn't have lily mothering me!" He spat before walking over to the tv with strawberry pop tarts. I walk over to the tv and turn it on. " why do you guys have a box tv?" I asked him as I turned it on. " Nugget does not know. Nugget thinks it's because Nugget's mom likes old things " he answered as I tried to figure out what station cartoons were on. I luckily found spongebob and sat next to Nugget ( who was bouncing up and down like a child) . I looked over at my boyfriend who was stuffing his face with pop tarts with his eyes lit up. He was acting exactly like a child. I kiss his cheek and his face heats up. " teddy not nowwwwwwwww" he looked at me. I could tell he was mad that I made him look away from the tv. " why do you still call me teddy?" I asked him, I clearly remember me telling them in kindergarten that my name was teddy or ted but it was Theodore. " because I'm just used to calling you teddy! And Theo " He said then turned back to the tv. " wait...  you just said I'm instead of your name.....?" " wha- no I- no Nugget didn't!" He said and looked over at me again. " Nugget did no such thing!" " awww ok I was actually happy you didn't say your name" I pretend to be sad by frowning and slouching down. " really?" "Well yeah. It kinda gets er-....... annoying........ if you keep saying your name over and over " " oh well........ I'm sorry I won't do it in front of you anymore"

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now