Face your fears and choose one

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I walk out the house and when I know my father and Felix can't see me I run to Nugget's house. I know where he lives cause he gets off the bus before me and Felix. I run and run until I can't run anymore which I was thankfully at Nugget's house by then. I open his fence gate and run again to the back yard. I look down in the cave and to my surprise see the phone, it was off. I jump down into the hole, I land in a pile of McDonald's chicken nuggets. I get up and wipe myself off then freeze at the sight I see.

Nugget was leaning up against one of the walls, a creature of some sort was eating his arm and his neck and eye were bleeding from scratch marks.

I turn to look at the other boy.

Ozzy was covered head to toe with spiders, some crawling out of his mouth. He look like he was passed out but dried tear streaks were prominent on his soft, freckled cheeks.

I quickly jump into action and kick the beast off of the passed out transgender boy then look at Ozzy, I wanted to save him but I have Arachnophobia and the beast could pounce again at any moment. I grab Nugget and climb up the ladder that was ironically there.

••• Nugget's pov•••

I slowly regain consciousness and see my kitchen ceiling, I look around and realize I'm on my kitchen island. I hear someone panicking to grab stuff and I look the way the sound came from. I see Teddy grabbing medical supplies. " where's....... Ozzy?" I ask and teddy looks over at me. " OH! Your awake.... umm...... he's kinda at the bottom of your cave." " you didn't...... save him?" I said to the red shirted boy. " well.... I couldn't.... I would've if I could've though!" He said and smiled before walking over to me. " oh uh are you wondering why half of your vision is blurry?" He told me and we sat in silence for a second. " Nugget wishes to know why" I say as he wraps up my neck. " a creature scratched it.... I don't know how to fix that but I stopped it from bleeding" he said and wearily smiled. " oh ok" I said and he motioned for me to get up. I did as he said and hopped off of the counter. He yawned and I looked outside. " it's late. Does teddy wish to stay the night at Nugget's?" I ask him and he nods. I walk up the stairs and to my room, the taller blonde boy following behind me.

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now