Personal space please....

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I wake up in an oh so familiar... oh yeah, the janitors closet- room thing. It still has so many weapons as it did when he worked for the kindergarten. Green fumes were spreading around the room, my vision still blurry from the smoke/fumes. I see a figure, similar to Teddy but neater hair... " Felix?!?!! What is nugget doing in here!! Let nugget go!!" I yell and wiggle around in the chair I'm tied to... he walks closer to me and I can see his face. He's wearing a gas mask and some other protection from the fumes.

••• Felix's pov •••

I'll mess with him a bit..... I walked closer than I was so now our noses are almost touching. He tilts his head up as someone would when they don't want a kiss so I step back and watch him relax it the chair. " so. Sidney..." (Nugget is trans, don't @ me)" how do you know my actual na-" Nugget said but before he could finish I untied him from the chair and grabbed he collar of his shirt. " look here Ruffian, I know you have a crush on Teddy. I may seem rude but I care for my brother and I want the best for him. You aren't good enough for him. Your a BOY. so don't even try to get him." I say and let go of his collar of his shirt and watch him fall down. I took off the mask then threw it in the ground before locking The janitors closet and walking away.

••• 3rd person •••

Nugget banged on the door, crying desperately for help. At any moment he could die from toxins. Luckily teddy and josh were nearby and Josh just so happens to know how to lockpick. When he opens the door nugget falls to the ground. " FELIX HE *huff* HE LOCKED NUGGET *huff* IN *huff* THERE!" The nugget obsessed blondie said and got helped up by Theodore. " my brother Felix? No, he would never " " but he did! " " let's just get to our lockers, it's the end of the day" Josh added tiredly. " yeah" the two blondes said in unison.

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now