The Florist and the Writer

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I won't actually write the wedding bc idk how weddings work- so yeah

••• Nugget's pov •••

I sat on the couch, watching the Monstermon anime that they for some reason made. I needed to get started in a new book but instead I just looked at my ring, the gold glittered in the light. " I'm home!" Teddy called from the entry way as he closed the door. I hopped up and ran over to him, hugging him tightly. " love you too" he chuckled as I let go. " so how was work?" I asked as I followed him into the kitchen. " uneventful.. lily got tiger Lillies again and penny wanted roses... nothing out of the ordinary " he said fully as he looked for something healthy to eat and settled on some oatmeal. I grabbed some chicken nuggets from the fridge. I didn't put them in the freezer, it's to cold and you can never have cold nuggets. No matter what state they are in. I poured 10 or so onto a plate and put them in the microwave. I pushed in the time and watch it spin around as it cooked. " oh yeah Teddy! I need to write another book-" "you need to it you want to?" He cut me off. " I want to..." I sighed in defeat. ".... bbbuuuuuttttt what should it be about?" I asked him as the microwave beeped. " I don't know... I'm not good at this type of stuff.." I grabbed the plate from the microwave and sat down at the table. " oh!" He said.

••• Theodore's pov •••

"How about write a book about us? Like our story?" I beamed, Nugget sat there, puzzled expression on his face before it turned into a smile. " ok! But you'll need to help because I don't know your side of the story." He said. " ok! You gonna write it on that app?-" he cut me off, karma for cutting him off I guess. " Wattpad? Yeah! I've never gotten that much views and votes on the books though " my blonde haired husband said. " I bet you will this time!" I said as I tried to cheer him up, it worked cause he smiled again then hopped up, he shoved the last chicken nugget in his mouth, set the plate in the sink and ran upstairs. "  he's so childish.... I love him" I smiled and followed him from afar up the stairs.

So that's it! The end! What other ships would you want me to write a fan fic for? For kindergarten or not! Doesn't matter! I'll write it if I know the fandom.

Nugget x Theodore ( kindergarten fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now