Chapter 28

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Shraddha Kapoor


"I said I'm ending our contract" I repeat.

"I heard you first time. But you can't just end your contract, okay" Varun exults.

"Says who?" I cross my arms.

He opens his mouth but shuts it again on second thought.

"What is wrong with you? Are you suffering from bipolar disorder or something, because last time I checked you were having time of your life" he starts pacing before me back and forth like an angry lion in den.

"Why are you girls so unpredictable every damn time? At one moment you're chirping excitedly like a jolly birdy and the very next moment...boom! you are sulking like grimy octopus. Why it is so difficult to figure out that mesh of wires inside girl's brain? We men can solve toughest math problems, build complicated spaceships, plough underground to discover hidden gems..but one thing that has baffled men since cavehood is....what does a woman want!" He spreads his arms dramatically finishing his monologue expecting a 'cut' from me maybe?

"Are you done?" I ask instead sharply. 

"No, I'm not" he snaps but his tongue has rolled inside mouth as he just stands there breathing furiously for quite long before fuming out "Now I am"

"Good" I stop myself from adding 'performance'.

"Sorry for the outburst" his shoulders drop  "I got carried away" he says calmly.

"It's okay" Your whole life will be carried away since you've decided to step back into Sonam's hurricane.

"But you caught me off guard" he accuses with a sheepish adorable smile that triggers the indecisiveness inside me.

Varun Dhawan

She sighs deeply looking down at her hands placed on her lap, and for the first time I note the puffiness around her eyes. Has she been crying since morning? Did the sandwich taste that bad? Because honestly I can't think of any better reason that might spoil her mood.

She rises up from couch and saunters inside bedroom. Before I could follow her, she steps out dragging her suitcase with her. Oh God! Not again.

Without another word or without even looking at me she begins to walk towards front door.

"Where do you think you are going?" I get hold of her bag.

"I'm not living with you any longer" she tugs at the other end of bag.

"You won't get a return ticket" I pull it back inside.

"I didn't say I'm flying back. I said I'm not living with you any longer" she tries to push the bag out but I've firm hold of it.

"You can't live in hotel alone"  Temper is rising inside my temples.

"You have no right to tell me that"

"I do have"

"If you are thinking about contract then I told you, I'm already ending it" she turns her back to me.

Fuck the contract.  I want to scream right now.

"And I have already told you, you can't do that. It was clearly stated in contract that you will stay with me whenever I travel. If you leave now you'll breach the contract and I can sue you for the same..." I recall what Karan said to me in hospital "Legally" I emphasise with force.

She spins around, her eyes going wide in disbelief. The disbelief turns into hurt, betrayal, hatred in that order. She should know me better than to think I'll actually do it and not because it will gain me unwanted publicity.

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