Chapter 25

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Shraddha Kapoor

Varun has not returned yet.

The clock on the wall tells me he has gone for half an hour. My mind tells me he has absconded me for better..but heart knows otherwise.

My hopes leap up upon hearing the door open only to crush back when instead of Varun, I see Doctor followed by three four younger docs entering.

"Good afternoon. How are you feeling? Any Better?" Doctor smiles flashing his perfect set of teeth. 

"Lot better" I respond.

"Bp is stabilised" one of younger Doc informs her senior who is now holding my wrist.

"Pulse is okay too" he scribbles on notepad and I want to object 'No Doctor, check again. My pulse is missing and it won't return unless someone else returns'.

"When can I go home, Doctor?"  I'm amazed how I don't feel weird at all calling our temporary rented place home.

"As soon as we receive your reports" he ensures "but not unless you promise to keep yourself ten miles away from fish..isn't that what you're allergic to?..or any form of fish. Severe allergies are often fatal" he warns me.

"Yup" I promise. I won't go anywhere even near sea unless I want to commit suicide which I currently want to..

What did this guy got stuck into?

Varun Dhawan

"You got to be fucking with me"

I'm appalled when Witch Sonam replays the play button from her smart phone where I can make out crispy voice of Karan talking about contract.  The Witch not only stood there eavesdropping on our conversation but also recorded it.

"So what? Are you going to blackmail me? How classy Sonam!" I applause but I just do it to feign my underlying wrecking nerves. What if she outs it in media? Though it's not clear what she wants from me..but I know she can go to any extend to get it or to just prove her point.

I don't believe once upon a time I actually thought I was in love with this devil possessed spearhead-shaped bitch.

"No I won't be blackmailing you. But I also won't be wasting this golden opportunity, you know" she smirks and I want to smack the daylights out of her.

"I'll tell you soon what you'll do for me..if you want me to delete this" she helds her phone..and I mull over snatching it from her hands and delete it myself. But I don't want to create a scene in hospital wing which I no doubt she won't shy away from creating. So I decide to play along.

She thurst the bouquet in my hand "Now that I know she is not your girlfriend and just some commoner, not worth my time" she gives me a very disdainful look, the one fit for vamps in Ekta Kapoor's daily soaps. Why doesn't someone offer her the same? She won't need to act out such roles as she is so fucking natural.

"Wait for my call" she turns on her heels and saunters away swaying her hips. I fling the roses away which crash on wall and scatter all over the floor. I get stern look from passing midwife for my act so I pick them back up and shove it in nearby wastebin.

I slump on cushioned sofa in waiting area staring blankly in space. I don't know what Sonam will ask me to do? What I do know, she will definitely come up with something that will match her descending level.

I tug at the roots of my hair speculating of calling Karan and taking his expert advice but I'm sure I'll only get yelled at by him. Also he is busy shooting.

I realise sitting here idle is not going to stop Sonam from doing whatever she is planning to do. I'll cross the road when I come to it, I conclude getting up on my feet.

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