Chapter 29

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Varun Dhawan

Pizza guy shoots not so decent looks at me when I hand him the change and I guess my fake orgasm sounds weren't confined within four walls of our apartment.

We eat our dinner in perfect silence while watching idiot box like those old, dull, bored with life, elderly couples.

I hear a squeak from Shraddha while I'm surfing through channels. The sound is directed to old rerun of most beloved sitcom of all growing up girls with least imaginative name...F.r.i.e.n.d.s.

I stay on channel for while and just when Joey is about to crack his funny oneliner, I switch to next channel. The laugh that was about to escape Shraddha's lips contracts in a frown when she glares at me and I smile widely in response. My eyes linger on her strawberry lips little longer than necessary. Damn, I was so close to sucking that sweet flavour of lip balm out from her lips. Damn you Shraddha!

Damn you! I curse silently as I cruise in kitchen towards wastebin to dump the leftovers.

A familiar logo on sheet of paper lying in bin catches my eye. When I pick it up, I discover it is application form for dance programme.

Wait..So it means Shraddha made that pending trip to university all by herself? Yesterday I couldn't keep my promise of taking her to the campus...but even if she did..why is this form lying in dustbin? Well, whatever the reason, this might explain her foul mood since I've returned.

"I will take out some time tomorrow, after the radio interview winds up in afternoon" I say as I make my way back in living room "We should visit NYU, since it's our last chance" I broach the topic.

"Thanks. But no thanks" she has her eyes glued on tv.

"Why? Have you given up on taking up dance course?" I enquire.

"Yes...No..Maybe" she replies nonchalantly and I'm getting miffed by her lack of interest.

"What do you mean? Yes.. No..maybe?" I flare up but she turns a deaf ear, blind eye..all rest of her senses engrossed on small screen.

I stride to switch off the television that has been playing meddler in our serious discussion.

"Wasn't it your dream..or something to take up that course?" I stand before her crossing my arms recalling how her eyes had lit up when I had shared my own experiences of university with her.

"I wish I could answer your question in simple yes and no..but everything is not that plain simple" she states not meeting my eyes.

"Why do you think so?" I quiz.

"It's not easy to explain" she rubs her forehead "Anyways you won't understand. Not everyone is as blessed are" the lines around her mouth deepen as she looks up at me.

"What does it have to do with me?" I scowl.

"You..." she searches my face "just leave it" she gets up from couch and switches the television back on.

I stand there helplessly wondering when will I ever succeed in unravelling that mesh of wires?

"Move your ass " Shraddha shoves me off as I hear the audience unison laughter coming out from tv.

I stomp my way towards bedroom but before I retire to sleep I do one last thing..

One thing my Dad has taught me from his early years of struggle is...

'Never dump your dreams in dustbin'

I stroll back in kitchen to dig up the straying form lying in  wastebin.

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