Chapter 33

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Varun Dhawan

I finish the rest of interview with forced facade smile on my face, half of the time aware of how gibberish I'm actually sounding.

I couldn't care less. All I could care is to wind this shit up soon so that I can take the Witch in corner and strangle her to death.

"Thanks everyone for joining us watch the movie. It's coming out this Friday" I recite in robotic manner, jetting off from my place directly sprinting towards exit before I loose it totally.

I hear clincking of heels behind me as I reach the elevator. I turn midway to take stairs in attempt to lead the Witch to deserted area where I can kill her peacefully.

"Varun..!" I hear her voice coming in hallway. I prance everywhere like trapped lion..brushing into people on every floor..damn! Why is it so fucking crowded in Mumbai?

I have reached underground parking lot by now when I feel a hand grabbing my arm.

"Stop! Where are you running to?" Sonam demands and I jerk her hand off.

"To Hell!" I yell.. my eyes dart around the far I see no human presence "Sonam if you want to save your life get the hell out of my sight or I swear I will kill you right here right now!" My hands tremble by my side in fury.

"Will you calm down? I know I took you by surprise up there...but I didn't had the time to inform you. As soon as I got off the plane, I came to know you were holding a press conference all by yourself" she explains "And I thought..what better place to start?"

"Do a favour next time Sonam, don't think too much. I mean what part of 'I'll take you out for special screening' did you not get?'" I keep my voice in check as I don't fancy myself seeing on front page again.

"Isn't it better we told the press before the screening? Or else people would've discussed why we are together instead of talking about the movie" she reasons and I can't argue to that.

But it doesn't help the fury which is building up inside me and I want to vent it out somewhere somehow..and I can't think straight..what with Sonam's self assured smartass attitude impoding before me.

" that everyone..."

"Stop talking...just stop talking!" I want to smack her but instead I pump my fist on the pillar behind her. 

She jumps on her place in reaction, her face draining of all blood.

There..I've cracked under pressure and created a scene ultimately but thankfully there are no witnesses around. I may as well get away by murdering her.

My knuckles burst from the contact with concrete but the pain from it is numbing unlike the one in my heart.

"I've never seen you so angry before" Sonam marvels carefully taking a step back from me.

You never took the trouble to know me bitch! I rub my hands together to calm my nerves.

"Is it because of that girl?"

"Her name is Shraddha. How many times have I told you that?" I close my fist again.

"Just once" she states calmly.

I let out sigh. It's not her fault that I've lost count of infinite number of times I've recited Shraddha's name in my mind in last hour.

"Where is that recording?" I whisper. I know this isn't the right place to have this conversation but I can't keep myself from bringing it up.

"We aren't done yet. I'll see you at screening" she walks away.

I don't stop her as it's dangerous for her to be with me any longer in this isolated place and I don't want to end up in jail. Just yet.

Another Cinderella story- A Varun Dhawan fanficWhere stories live. Discover now