How Harry Sees Draco

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This one is written by me lovelies. Mentions of mental health/blades. Tread lightly.

People always assumed Draco was a charming person. A young man who never slipped up. One who was smoother than butter, and more composed than Dumbledore himself. Only one person could see through it. Harry Potter.

Harry noticed when Draco slipped up. He noticed when he fumbled a bottle in Potions and when he got frustrated on a quiz question. He saw when Draco experienced the very human emotion of saying something then regretting it immediately. 

He saw when Crabbe and Goyle said something stupid, the small cringe he gave to them. The tinge of regret he had at being their friend. On the flip, he saw that Draco would die for them both. 

Needless to say, Harry saw straight through his Slytherin shield. He saw the weight of the words he yelled at Draco. He saw Draco's heart wrench when Harry yelled about Lucius. 

"My father may be dead, but at least mine loved me." 

He swore to never use that card again. Not when he saw Draco's hand start to shake. Not when he saw the tears in his eyes before he shot magic at Harry's head. It had lead to one of their many duels. But unlike the other instances, Harry couldn't shake it off for days. 

No matter how many jabs Draco took at him. No matter how hard Draco pushed him he wouldn't mention it again. Because Harry heard the pain. He understood the pain of a horrible family. 

He saw Draco crying in the bathrooms. He saw Draco be quiet on some days, He saw him starve on those days. He saw Draco smile brightly, and force smiles where they should be. He saw Draco look to long in the mirror. He saw Draco refuse to look at his reflection. He may have been wrong, but he swore he saw Draco stare at a blade in Herbology for just a bit too long. And he knew Draco could cast a very well-practiced Episkey spell.

Yes, Harry saw things nobody else did. 

But he also saw Draco watching him. Seeing him. He also saw Draco notice when things hurt him. He noticed Draco only ever brought up Lily once.

"You'll end up dead, like your mudblood mother." 

But when Harry didn't retaliate, when Harry just walked away he knew he'd crossed a line. That was the card he swore never to use again.

But what Harry didn't see was how much Draco did see. 

Draco saw more of Harry than Harry saw of him. Draco saw Harry with the Weasley clan before 9¾. He saw Harry getting more and more anxious before school let out. 

He saw Harry wearing sleeves the boarding of their sixth year, and the bruises on his wrists he couldn't hide.

He saw Harry Potter allow anything to happen to him, as long as it meant someone else was  okay. At one point he wanted to call him out:

"'Do you protect everyone because you feel you owe it? Do you really hate yourself that much Potter?'" 

But he never said it. He didn't need to; as he knew the answer was yes. He saw that Harry hated himself more than anyone could ever hate him. It bet that if Voldemort and Harry were to have a 'who-hates-Harry-most' competition Harry would undoubtedly win. 

Draco Malfoy and his insecurities.
Harry Potter and his secrets. 
Draco Malfoy and his own brain.
Harry Potter and his family.
Draco Malfoy and his father.
Harry Potter and his self-reflection.

They saw each other, but they would never admit it.

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