✏"Finite Incantatem" 3/3 ✔

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In which Harry knows, remembers, and discovers.

Part three of: The Spells Mini-Series.


The blonde boy, who Harry inexplicably had the desire to hold, burst into tears. Across from him, Hermione, (he had no clue how he knew her name) was crying as well.

He scanned the room, spying a girl whose bright pink hair was turning blue, and beside her was a man with a scar. 'Wolf scar' is brain told him. An assortment of red head, two whom were identical. They clashed with a very dark and hook-nosed man across the room. He couldn't help but stare when his eyes fell soon a man with a costume eye.

"It's not a costume." He spoke gruffly, as though Harry's appearance was very unconvincing.

The tall greasy man, who he suddenly hated, stood and pulled his wand. "I will perform the spell," he said and reached into his sleeve.

In an instant, Hermione, and four red heads pulled thier wands, pointing at the man. 

"No!" She declared through tears "You can't, not again!" She sniffed and cleared her throat, speaking lower. "Can't you see it's killing him?" 

'Killing me?' Harry though and slowly raising his arm up to banish the wand at Snape. Though, he held it with both hands as one my hold a pistol. 

"Alright lets clean him up then!" Sirius said chipperly. Pulling his wand as well.

"Absolutly not barked!" Mad Eye

"Let's take a vote." Said a very stern looking face, dark skin, and formal attire.

"Ah to hell with yer' votes, Kingsley." Said a loud voice behind Harry. He turned sharply to see a very large man. Harry was supprised not to notice the half-giant until then. 

"Can't you see we's killen em?" He barked pointing a large finger at him, then swinging around to point at Draco "And him!"

"Besides," the Scarred man stood "We have no other options."

"We'll find them!" Objected Mad Eye.

"We can't!" Hermione screamed, in one harsh movement, flourished her wand at him. "Finite Incantatem!" 

As if remembering a dream, he started to remember.

The Dursley's, Hagrid, Hogwarts, Dumbledor, Ron Harmonie, the twins, the Weasley's.
The Chamber of Secrets, Gildory Lockhart, and a large Basilisk.
Sirius, Remus, Wolf, the grim. 
The tournament, the cup, Voldemort, his real parents, Cedric.
The prophecy, Umbridge, he saved Sirius.
Horcruxes, The Half-Blood Prince, Dumblordores death. 

He choked back a sob and dropped to his knees. All his love, heartbreak, and loss came back to him so suddenly. Newer memories flooded.

No more Horcruxes left, even the snake. He even saved Draco. But they're cutting us out. Hush whispers and never telling us a thing. Even Ron won't look me in the eye. It was Harmoine who cast the spell, first, Confundus, then someone pushed Draco out of the way. He's screaming. Then I own a bar.

So quickly, too quickly. Harry had to drop to his palms. Then he looked up in fury. Harry Potter was back. And pissed.

His first objective was Draco, coming around the table he embraced him in a hug, and helped his crying love into a chair. 

"I'm so sorry Harry," said Harmoine. "I should have known you wouldn't be able to forget us that easy."

Harry stood in shock, he remebered Harmoine being the first to cast his spell. "You planned this?" He didn't scream, he wasn't even angry. He was disappointed, and felt heavily betrayed.

"Well, no…" Hamoine sat, defeated. "Let me start from the beginning. It was actually Draco who figured it out."

Harry withdrew from Draco a centimeter before Draco gripped him harder. 

"He didn't mean to, but he connected enough dots that I got the picture. I knew that he couldn't know."

Harry relaxed back into Draco, was actually leaning on him now for support. Someone brought up a chair but he only recognized enough to sit down. Draco scooted closer.

"I waited until the next time you and Draco left for patrol." Harmoine continued, some people sat down, others, including Sirius, rested against the wall. "I got everyone else together, and other peoples conversations with Dumbledore, and experiences with you, it all made so much sense."

Harry knew what she was going to say, but tile felt slow as she actually spoke.

"You're a horcrux Harry."

Harry slumped even more. "Thats why you lived. His own soul protected your soul because you were the only other living thing here for it to grab onto. That's why the Dementors were after you. They wanted Voldemort's soul, not yours. 

"The connections in your minds, the occulamcy training. Everything Harry. I don't know how we hadn't seen it."

Harmoine took a breath, and laid her head down. Many in the room looked solemn. Digesting everything again. Draco's tears had dried, he now supported Harry's weight, and Harry's shock. Harry noticed Draco's hands shaking as he did so. Silence was heard in the room, a quiet sniff or cough of guilt. But Snape was the first to speak again. 

"We thought we could find a way to kill the horcrux and not you." He explained in a less-than monotone voice. "But you were getting to suspicious to quickly." His voice gained more emotion as he spoke, but he cleared his throat and fixed that mistake quickly. 

"It seemed the only way we could keep you from doing something like killing yourself." His voice began to show emotions again he slowed and fixed it. "Someing stupid. We had to wipe your heroic memory. We didn't even risk telling Draco. The selfish idiot would have, and was against it."

He glanced at Draco, who was staring down a crunched over Harry. When Harry had bardged into the room, he'd felt powerful, and big. Now he felt small, and significantly guilty. 

"Hagrid tackled Draco down, after Harmoine cast the first Confundus charm. It took two of us, Mr. Kingsley and I, to cast the Imperious Curse, and force you to lie down. Then Harmoine, Mad-Eye, Sirius, and Remus, cast the Confundus charms and built, what you knew you to be your life." 

Emotion was extremely present in his voice now. He swooped out and left. Harry close behind him with Draco in toll. Harry went to his childhood bedroom. A place of comfort. When he opened the door, everything semed so conflicted. He didn't know what to do. His childhood bedroom, but that didnt exist. But it was here. It was real. But fake. All fake. 

Draco ran up and pulled Harry into a hug, then raced him out of the hall way. Even the main room was different. He'd never really paid that much attention to it had he? It was always just messy. They'd just made it to the door. Then Draco apparated them.

They landed in a less familiar place. But he'd been there. Draco's bedroom at Malfoy manner.

He put silencers, wards, protections, alarms, and barriers arround the whole room, always keeping one hand on Harry's head. 

As soon as he finished he atacked Harry in another proper hug, but this one more personal, as it finished with a deep, passionate kiss. Then for Harry, everything was normal. 

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