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Requests welcome (and insisted upon, from the Lovely You)

Harry owns a Muggle bar in London called The Three Broomsticks when a rather, drunk character comes in yelling about wizards.
Part one of The Spells Mini-Series


For three years, Harry spent the last few hours of the night closing up the Three Broomsticks. He wiped down tables, arranging bottles, his final task was simply to lock up.

It had all seemed normal, he had slid the last of the liquor onto the shelf when he heard the door chime.
It wasn't unusual for a straggler to come through, so Harry didn't bother to look behind him when he spoke.
"Bars closed."

He stepped off his stool and turned around, to find a drunk man holding what looked like a three-foot-long stick, that was several inches thick standing in the doorway.

"I'm not a muggle." declared the man. His blonde hair was disheveled and he had what looked like hot sauce on his white shirt.

"Yes, we'll I'm not a cop," Harry replied, "But I will call them."

"I'll blow them away!" shouted the man as he took a step forward. Harry rolled his eyes, deciding the man must be strung out on some type of ecstasy. He kept an eye on the man while reaching for the counter's phone.

"Don't do it mate." the blonde said, "I'll blow it away."

Harry didn't listen, instead, he lifted the phone to his ear and began to dial 9-9-9.
On the second nine, the man threw the stick up so fast he had to recapture his footing and screamed "Expelliarmus!"

Harry set the phone down, out of sight from the man but kept one finger on the last digit.

The man looked at his stick, and back at Harry who'd lowered the phone, and whisper shouted "It worked..."

He looked at Harry and raised the stick as if he were about to throw it, so at the last second Harry ducked when he shouted "STUPIFY"

At this point, Harry managed to click the last "9" and duck below the counter.

"MERLIN IT WORKED!" the man roared. Harry looked at the mirrored cabinets on the bar and saw the man jumping up and down with his stick.
He knew the cops would be there soon, so he remained hidden while the man screamed rubbish into the wind.



"Accio alcohol!" He saw the man stop, taking a breath from his wild screaming and dancing charade.

"Blimey." he said aloud "I guess I have to get it myself."

He walked around the counter, paying Harry no mind as he trifled for a drink. He couldn't decide what song the man was humming. He vocalized "For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat." and attempted to put his stick in an imaginary ankle holster (the stick fell to Harry's feet.) He finally turned around with a bottle of champagne to see Harry on the ground.

"Do you play cards, Harry?"

"No." Harry firmly stated, giving nothing more. He heard sirens as the cops neared.

"Did you call the muggle police on me?"

"I think so."

"You shouldn't have."

"Are you gonna cast a spell on them?"


Harry didn't respond to that one. The police were just outside and he was not trying to get beaten to death with a stick before watching the ending of The Batchelor.

He heard the door swing open, and a few people walk inside. The bar mirror showed two cops walk through. Quickly, Draco grabbed his stick and pointed it at the cops.

"Don't move," he said in a serious tone. "We will not be taken down by Death Eaters."

Harry looked at the two cops, had one who had hot pink hair, and another man with strawberry blonde hair and a mustache. Both looked mildly disappointed to be here. As well, they seemed familiar to Harry.

"Mr. Malfoy." the woman said quietly "It's been months, you were doing so well." the woman said, mustache man nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's go." he simply said, "The order needs you."

"The order doesn't need me." the man, Malfoy, replied. "I and Harry were just having a nice chat."


"LOOK AT THE BAR NAME NYMPHADORA! HE BLOODY REMEMBERS!" Although the man was blasted, Harry caught something.

"Draco, how do you know my name?"

Draco looked down at him, smiling as he'd achieved something, it would have been cute, had the man not been wobbling and drinking Harry's nicest Champagne from the bottle.

"How do you know mine?" he asked.

Harry realized that he'd never learned Draco's name before that either. All he could do was stare at him while Lupin grabbed him by the arm to be taken away. How did he know Lupin's name?

"Wait!" Harry yelled as Lupin -Or he seemed like a Remus- held onto Draco with one arm. Harry thrust one hand out. To Draco, but Tonks blocked his path just as Remus yanked Draco, and his own extended hand, away.

"I love you!" Draco yelled, as Lupin began to take him away, they scuffled momentarily, but he suddenly popped away with the other man. Vanishing into thin air. Leaving only Tonks in wait.

"I'm sorry about this Harry," she said solemnly. She pulled a stick, much slimmer than Malfoys, out of her sleeve. No sound came from the broken bottle that mended itself, he heard the phone clink above him, and the large stick Draco welded vanished.

"Tonks, what's happening? How do I know you people?" Harry asked. He was shaking, and wanted to stand. But being under the bar cpunter felt safer. He ignored this and tried to stand, to find that he couldn't.

"Oh Harry dear, I hope you're happy here."

"Tonks," he said quietly, wondering why he longed to see Draco again. He kept trying to understand. He tried standing again, but he could move nothing but his arms. She pointed her wand, yes a wand, at him and smiled.

"Your parents needed you safe. The world needs you safe."

Harry thought back to his father, who he had talked to a few days ago. Sirius, who now that he thought about it, wasn't really apart of his life until he was eighteen. How hadn't he thought of that for five years?

"Please help me," he begged, looking at the ground instead of her.

"I am Harry."

He looked back up to see her pointed at him. He tried to object, to block the burst of light streaming toward him. But she beat him by one quick word.


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