"The Chosen One's Chosen!" By Rita Skeeter

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"'Sorry ladies, 'The Boy Who Lived' is officially, The Man Whose Taken; writes the charming and talented blonde bombshell Rita Skeeter. 
This Saturday many friends and family, including I, who got a VIP invite.'"

It was the morning of thier Honeymoon, Harry read the article out loud in the kitchen of thier home. Across from Harry,  Draco was sipping coffee on the other side of the marble island. 

"Yes, because you summoned it from the trash!" Draco raged, whilst Harry laughed. Harry being used to such melodrama from the papers could take it all with a grain of salt. Draco didnt take it so easy. Harry put a comforting hand up and read on.

"'Candle lit chandlers of ice and two handsome grooms. Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter himself. For fans that go back a few years, you'll remember how close Mr. Potter and I are.'"

"Rubbish!" Draco declared, the morning blearyness was leaving his eyes quickly through the article.

"'To truely understand this relationship, we must go back before the war, to when these men were just boys.
"They always had a close chemistry." Reported a wedding attender whom had known them both through thier childhood. "They were inseparable since first year." They said.'"

"I hated you until fifth year." Draco reminded, now making his second cup of coffee. Harry only rolled his eyes and smiled at his new husband.

"'I think they were repressing how gay they were." Said another attender, Pansy Parkerson.'"

Draco spewed coffee this time. 
Harry, while casting a cleaning spell grimaced. "I knew we shouldn't have invited that git." Draco, while sputtering about how the coffee was simply just to hot (and thats the only reason he spit it out, he proclaimed) "They didnt even spell her name right."
"Serves her," Draco smiled while coming back to the counter. 

'"Though other sources say Potter is actually bisexual, with evidence pointing towards his school yard girlfriend Cho Chang, and ex-fling, and current Minister of Magic, Harmonie Granger, who is now newly christened Harmoine Granger-Weasley. Upon being asked to speak about the marriage, the curly headed starlet refused to give a statement. With tears in her eyes, and hurt on her face, she turned away from me.'" 

A picture of a furious Harmonie moved on the page, the clip showing her turn away, hair swaying in it's ponytail.

"'But aside from lost loves, the rest of the night was beautiful. But secrets lie deep within the two ansty grooms. Seperated by war, and brought back together, nobody can deny how happy the two are now.
"I've never seen him so happy," Collen Creevy says about the lovestruck hero of our time, just after the vows had been read.'"

A picture of the kiss Harry and Draco shared was to the side, showing Harry's smiling face as he turned towards the camera. Photo by Collen Creevy was written below it. 

"Well," Harry started, "He wasn't wrong." Him and Draco shared a look, both seemed to be in a better mood after that paragraph. 

"'Draco Malfoy however, had never had a fling in his life, except for one dance at Hogwarts, with whom who took Parkerson. 
"I never knew he was gay," she reports, the twinge of a night so long ago was found in her eyes, and it seemed she wished she could go back. "After what he did to me that night-"'

"Excuse me?" Harry looked up at Draco, whose pale skin was now beat red. 

"I- We," Draco dat down his coffee "I swear to go I forgot about that." 

Harry, who was smiling huge at the suddenly flustered Draco, set the paper in the sink. 

With a simple flourish of his wand he lit the paper on fire, and watched it burn. 

Draco, dumbfounded couldn't decide whether to laugh or scream as the small fire died down. 

"Show me what you did to her Draco." 

And Draco, would thoroughly oblige. 

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