Draco Malfoy Captured In Liverpool (2/4)

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The Daily Prophet

March 27th, 2020

It has been almost one month since the murder of Harry Potter.
Many sightings of Draco Malfoy have been reported. Most of which were from wizards living inside of muggle territories across the UK. Though none paned to gove any information. But as of last night, while entering a muggle motel room, he was captured.
Leading officer Michal Dupree shared a brief statement today, featured below.

"'Thank you to all who reported beliefs on his whereabouts. Without this community capturing this man would have been no easy feat, and taken much longer. You may now rest easy, knowing the arcane killer is forever locked away."

Many witnesses attest to seeing Malfoy being taken. On all accounts they report him yelling "He deserved it. He deserves this." While trying to escape from the Aurors.

"I couldn't believe how crazy he looked." Reported an observer of the situation "He appeared absolutely mad."

All muggles who were in the area were promptly wiped, and the motel room cleared. At this point in time, Dupree is not taking questions on the case.

Malfoy's case is to have a public trial on the thirty first, as requested by Head Minister Granger.

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