"We're in a library Malfoy, don't be so leud." (NSFW)

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Requester/Prompter: IXchel2019
Requests open!

Hermoine was days away from her final law test. For the entire day she had been dragging Harry from wizard book store to wizard book store, even stopping to a few muggle one in between. She gathered every book that she thought would her any drop of information she hadn't already memorized. Finally, she was going into an old wizards antiques bookstore on the outskirts of York.
Her ever-holding handbag was keeping at least thirteen gathered books thus far, but apparently she wanted one more.
"Thirteen is an unlucky number Harry!" She bellowed before grabbing his hand and apperating them to a nearly-vancant wizards village.
While fighting off the urge to vomit after his tenth apperation of the day
(Home to store to store to store to store to muggle library to lunch to home because Hemoine was eating so fast she spilt chili down her sweater. To store to store to store)
"I though you didn't believe in divination anyways!" He swore in a tone that would have made Snape blush.
"No chances Harry, No chances!" She reminded while stalking into a store, whose sign only read "Antique Reads"
He stalked inside after her, pleasently, it smelled of old books. Not in the way most magical store smell, (like potions, incense, and the like) or muggle librarys (like crisp, cold paper). It had the essance of rare use.
"Hello?" Hermoine called out, her voice echoed off the walls. Then Harry noticed the sullen quiet.
Short lived though, as it was interupted by sharp, clicky footsteps a few isles up. Lo and behold, Draco Malfoy.
Harry's first thought was, 'Has he always been so edible?' He dissmissed the thought as momentary insanity. 'Even if that button down T-shirt and tight pants makes him look ravishing.' Though as Draco moved closer in greeting,Harry had to push the thoughts back further.
"Hello Harmoine, Potter."
"Good day Draco!" Harmoine piped and began to move swiftly through the isles in search of another book.
"On a first name baises are we?" Harry noticed, his eyes locked with Draco's.
"Observant. Potter," Draco looked at him in a way he couldn't really decipher. "As I'm sure even you know, Harmoine and I share the same law class."
It sounded like something Harry would forget.
"And you are also aware my family comes from money?"
Harry fought off the urge of sarcasm. He didnt have a strong will though.
"Really Malfoy, in all my years you never once were flagrant about it." Harry spoke with false enthusiasm, to which Malfoy rolled his eyes and turned around. He spoke as he walked back down the isles. Which despite Harrys primal urge to tuck tail and run, made him follow.
"My family has a house here in York." He informed Harry "I found myself making many explorations of the area in my youth. I was the one who reccomended Harmoine to come here." Draco turned down the same isle her appeared from, disappearing behind the shelf.
Harry, intrigued by Draco in a way he hadn't been before, found himself speed walking to turn that corner and see him again.
He turned the corner and found himself nearly touching Draco, his eyes seemed to pierce right into his soul.
"Honestly boys!" Harmoine had appered from another isle. "I found another book Harry. Don't blow up the library will you?"
Then she disapperated. Leaving Harry in the awaiting mouth of the beast.
"I'm happy she brought you, Harry."
Draco turned his body in such a way that Harry found himself pinned against the bookcase.
"Because, I eyefucked you for the majority of our school years." Dracos voice was deep, husky. Harry recognised the sound of dwindling control.

Now I have you right here..." Draco continued, slipping a hand onto Harrys neck. He leaned in closer, his chest almost touching Harry's. "Right where you want to be? Isn't that right Potter?"
"We're in a library Malfoy. Dont be so leud" Harry chided, though only half-heartedly.
"But its so fun to know what a position I've got you in." Draco whispered, his lips against Harry's jaw line. They were nearly pressed together, and Harry found himself half hard at the thought of the two merely kissing. The heat of Draco's breath on his skin made him blush. His only comfort was griping the spine of one of many books he was pressed against.
"So easy to tease aren't you love?" The words reverberated throughout Harrys chest, sending a knowing tinge throughout his midsection.
"Submissive, aren't you?" Draco trailed one hand to linger on Harry's side.
"Draco," Harry tried to put power in his words. "Kiss me."
So for once, Draco Malfoy listened to Harry Potter, and thier lips met for what would come to not be the first time that afternoon.
It was heated, and not gentle at all. Draco let out a huff of breath he'd seemed to be holding the pushed Harry against the bookshelf harder, pressing his whole front onto Harry.
The motions made Harry's desperate cock scream to life, he could help but pull Dracos hips into his, then he noticed how hard Draco was too.
They pulled at each other, trying desperately to take as much of the other man as possible before shedding any clothing.
Draco pulled away first, sliding his hands away only reattach himself to Harry's hand and pull him towards the back of the store.
Harry couldn't help blush when he realized he followed after Draco like a puppy. Desperate for attention. Well, one part of him defiantly wanted attention.
He realize he'd be lead to a reading section on the couch, a long leather love seat sat along the back wall. Draco lead Harry directly to it, then took advantage of Harrys nervous stumble and pushed him into the couch.
He bounced lightly when he landed, each movement cause friction in his boxers, though not to be compared to the friction Harry felt when Draco rested upon Harry's lap.
All of his power kept him from moaning. Draco's lips being attached to Harry's neck, his hips pushing on his. All he could do was scrape his nails down Draco's back, and take a deep breath to steady himself.
"Draco," he prayed to the gods that his breath wouldn't come out a moan; when it did however, he blushed horribly.
"Yes Harry?" Draco's voice was deep and hoarse, then Harry noticed that his hip movement had slowed considerably.
"Are you okay?" He spoke in a whisper, almost afraid someone could hear them.
"You have no idea what you do to me."
Harrys cock gave a considerable tug at that, a notion Draco did take notice of.
Draco rasied his wand, a beautiful white spark shot from the end, then the lights went out, only a few lanterns stayed lit around them. The sharp click of the front clock was the only noise for a moment. Harry broke the silence first.
"Fuck me Draco."
It was as though a switch flipped. Draco stood up and pulled Harry by the front of his shirt to stand with him. In a quick motion, he had Harry standing and he was now sitting.
"Strip." He said, unbuttoning the white T-shirt than clothed him. He oblidged quickly, if not shakily.
He peeled his shirt off of his head, not bothering to be "sexy" about it. His pants became unbuckled and to his ankles quickly. He almost moaned when he pulled him boxers down. One shoe off, he hopped around in a daze, if only he could get the other...
But then Draco got control of him. He grabbed Harry's thigh and yanked him onto the couch, shifting him so Harry's knees rested on the floor.
Harry nearly groaned again. 'Yes,' he wanged to say. 'Fucking use me'
It he didn't have to, Draco was behind him quickly, rimming Harry's hole like it was his last meal.
"Oh gods, oh fuck"
Harry wriggled under Draco's active tounge. To stop him, he dug his nails in roughly. Pushing his tongue in as deep as he could, but then he pulled off
"Have you ever been fucked before Harry?"
Harry nodded quickly as if to say 'Oh yes Mister Draco I have! Please fuck me to!'
Draco put a single digit inside of Harry, who attempted to push back on it, only for it to be removed.
"We mustn't get greedy love." He scolded lightly, but put the finger in again. It took amass color tion of will power for Harry not to fuck himself silly on Draco's hand. But he wanted to be good for him. He wanted to get fucked by him.
So Draco continued his single finger minstrations, which made Harry repress the urge to shutter each time his finger went in. To Harry's bliss, Draco eventually added a third finger.
"Gods," Draco said behind Harry, letting his teeth graze over the other boys ass "I can't wait to be inside of you."
Harry barely contain his pleas (As in, 'oh please.')
Draco's fingers felt heavenly, but he started to get a feeling he would have to ask to be fucked. God could he? Ask to be fucked by Draco Malfoy?
He buried his face between two couch cushions and groaned. "Please..." He said from inside the cushions. "Please, please..." Then a gentle tug on his hair, he lifted his head compliantly.
"Louder." Draco demanded, all gentleness was lost on his tongue. Then, he pulled his fingers out of his hair, spit on his puckered asshole and, ' Oh Lord,' Harry thought 'I found his gentleman."
"Please..." Harry to his chagrin, whined. He needed Draco and he needed him now.
Draco seemed to get the message. He shifted his hand onto Harrys waist, forcing it down, and removed his tongue. Harry, whom couldn't see behind him, heard a faint spitting sound.
Then absolute bliss. In one swift motion, Draco buried half of his cock into Harry. They both couldn't help but moan, especially when Draco bottomed out inside of Harry.
"Please fuck me Draco," The sound of Harry loudly begging him for more enraged a new fire inside of Draco. Harry's hair feltmade to be grabbed when Draco reached for it. He buried his nails into Harry's hips, and went in for the kill. He pulled almost all the way out, then slammed back in. Harry's yelp forced the only word Draco could think out:
He backed up his hips then forced himself back inside Harry yet again, then set a steady, rough pace. His balls slapped against Harry's with each thrust, spreading a mutual feeling of pleasure through them both. Harry bucked against Draco's shoves, Draco got move and more agrivated at his squirming. Though it did feel so good...
His nails dug in harder, he pushed into Harry so hard that it pinned him between the couch and himself.
"If you want to cum at all, you'll stop moving." He commanded, and the strict tone made Harry quake.
He picked up his pace again, causing Harry to gasp and almost buck against Draco once more. But god how he just wanted to be good for Draco.
So he constantly let Draco use his ass, moaning and hissing thanks at the pleasure Draco was giving him. He loved the ache he had in his knees and would surely have to fight against later, he loved the way his cock slapped the warm leather and how Draco's cock touched his prostate at every, single, thrust.
Oh god. Harry clinched his fists into the sides of the cushions, letting Draco's name rip out of his lips when he realized he was going to cum.
"Not yet," Draco commanded, but sped up his pace.
"Draco please, Draco," To Draco, Harry spoke with a heavenly tongue even whist being so sinful. Dracos insides flipped and twisted with Harry's cries, his dick throbbed in Harry's now pulsing fuckhole.
"Draco!" Harry called again, but much more desperately. Draco knew his little boy couldn't hold it together for long. "Please..." Harry begged, then flourished his hips up to push the full girth of Draco's cock. Harry seized onto the cock as he came, which sent Draco into a frenzy.
He beat into Harry with his cock mercilessly. Harry screamed with every push, his knees lifted and slammed down onto the ground when Draco pulled out.
"Disrespectful," Draco cooed into Harry's ear. It was almost soothing, how stable Draco sounded. Before he realized, Draco must be pissed.
As if in answer, Harry was suddenly without contact. Draco had pulled out so quickly that Harry was honestly confused.
Before he could comprehind that Draco had stood, he felt a hard slap on the rear. He turned quickly to see what had hit him, and saw Draco in trely naked glory. Toned abs, pale smooth skin, his cock hard and ready. He gripped a thin but long book titled "The History of The British Isles"
Before he had time to move again, Draco swatted his ass again.
"You came without permission," Draco spoke like a teacher did when mad at a student, but doned a smirk with his sharp features. "And moved when I specifically told you not too."
Harry gulped loudly and looked at the back of the couch, unable to decide if he was scared or excited.
Another swat to Harry's ass, sending his already sensitive cock swinging into the couch. The contact forced a breathy moan out of Harry.
Another, he ass began to sting worse.
Another, it burns now.
Another, and Harry could help but cry out.
Another, another, and finally one more.
"You do sound so beautiful when I punish you." Draco said, followed by the sound of a book bring lazily tossed onto the floor. Hands gripped Harry's sides and he couldn't stop Drac from pullinghim up and rolling him over onto the couch. The cool couch leather made contact with Harry's bum, Harry gasped in shock and arched his back.
Draco took dull advantage of this, sliding into Harry's still slick hole. God it felt like heaven.
He grabbed Harry's hips and pulled into his own, before starting a slow, almost tourturous pace again.
To Harry, nothing had felt more heavenly. Draco quickly found his prostate and rubbed against it with each drawn out thrust. His dick was once again hard, so Draco took full advamtage of wrapping his long fingers around it and pumping it up and down to match the speed of his own thrusts.
Draco began to go faster into Harry, letting his eyes flutter shut so he could simply feel Harry around him, his own hand around Harry's cock.
"I'm close Harry," Draco announced and forced hiself into Harry's hole faster. Harry squirmed and pushed himself onto Draco in what ever way he could. His fingers were curled around cushions, his eyes and mouth hung open in awe at Draco, and the way Draco made Harry feel.
"Me too." Harry agreed with Draco, giving miniscule upper thrusts with his hips.
Draco grabbed Harry's hips, leaving his cock alone and began to powerfully thrust into Harry. "Gods, bless..."
Harry used his own hand to replace Draco's, letting himself be fucked senceless.
A warm, tingly feeling of need spread writhing Dracos lower stomach, easing up to his groin. His orgasm was coming quickly amd he had no intention of not filling Harry up with all of his seed.
He pushed faster and harder, knowing he only had seconds. Harry's orgasm is what set him off. When Harry's ass clenched around his it was like a bomb going off, he felt his release hit him. Everything was reflexive, the pumping and pushing while he came. He pushed all of the cum he had into Harry's arse. The feeling made Harry scream. When it stopped, he felt so shaky and weak he had to actively not collapse on Harry.
Both Draco and Harry's stomach had strings of cum on them. Draco could feelt his own cum oozing out of Harry, even around his own cock.
"Thank you Draco," Harry said breathlessly. "We should defitantly do this again sometime."

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