Chapter 10: Unforeseen Event

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Time flew by, and after spending an entire week, Bai Jing finally installed the fence. Looking at a row of neatly organized space, his heart raised an unspeakable satisfaction. Then, he went to buy a diesel generator, a switchgear, for there was no other option. Who would have known the hydroelectric generator would be such trouble; he could only stare at it, unable to use it.

In fact, he had no knowledge of diesel generators, but fortunately there were installers that taught him step by step. The most important thing was that he only needed to provide diesel while installers could help him with the install. All he needed to do was turn the switch on or off until the fuel ran out. 

Having obtained a generator, Bai Jing bought a bunch of wires. Entering the dimension and fiddling for a while, he took out the bulldozer, and in less than two hours, the 2 acres enclosed by the fence was completely wrecked.Moreover, he did not waste time, even for being a rookie. Looking at the results, Bai Jing could not help but praise that having a high-tech tool was good. Remembering the digging in his previous life, tut! He really could not bear to recall that, but he was forced to to dig that time. People's potential was truly limitless.

And then Bai Jing planted some vegetables, bean sprouts, sweet potatoes and the like so that after those sprout, he could keep livestock in the field. Although the timing was still early, he liked to watch the space become lively, little by little to complete his plan until it became his dream paradise.

After everything was done, Bai Jing recalled his psychic power and felt his brain was empty, but no dizziness and fatigue. His psychic power endured for longer than last time. 

Even a tiny bit of progress was good, and Bai Jing smiled in satisfaction. Psychic power did not excel overnight, and he only hoped that before the outbreak of the apocalypse he could advance his abilities a rank so that he could use skills, guarantee a bit more his life. 

But he could not keep his happiness any longer, for a phone call ruined his good mood. School time was coming and having not heard from him, Nanny Chen anxiously complained to his father. 

Since the tour, he had only two phone calls with his father and the talks were not long. His dad had always been very busy and though each call was a nice chat, they just kept generally around three to five calls a month before. So, if not for his childhood lack of love, how would he rely on Nanny Chen so much.  

These days, he did not answer any calls from Nanny Chen, but Wang Xuebing did. One could guess that the resentment Nanny Chen had toward Wang Xuebing would have accumulated to at least thirty feet high, but Bai Jing's depression at being foresaken was easily understood.

With his father on the phone, he felt desolate, indifferent. There was a murky feeling, only feeling that things were impermanent, as if his whole heart was cold. But he would not refuse his father's concern because he knew, at least at this moment, his dad really loved him.

And with Nanny Chen on the phone, he felt disgusted and wanted not a single word with her. In the last life, he was silly enough to not see clearly. In this life, listening to her words, those phrases made him feel that there were ulterior motives, as if there were vague implications. Back then, he indeed was like that, acting in accordance with her intentions.  

Bai Jing hung up the phone, his lips pulling into a mocking curve. His father really loved him. When he said that he did not want to go to school, his father said to apply next year. He said that he did not want to go home, and his father asked him if he had enough money to spend. He said he wanted to go to B City to see father, and his was father silent for a moment, and said, oh, no, he was very busy for the time being, that he was going to have meeting at X province, that they might miss each other, so after all work was finished would father go to see you, okay? 

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