Chapter 87

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His guess was correct. Zhang Qiucheng was now looking rather pale as he cursed Bai Jing in his heart for being an asshole. Based on common sense, with high-level ability users in front of him as a buffer, the vehicles following behind should be safe. Who could've known that the ants would act as though they were blind to the Hummer that was ramming through them and rush to the cars in the back instead? If anyone told him that this wasn't Bai Jing's plan all along, he would refuse to believe it even if it killed him. However, at the end of the day, it was his own miscalculation. He would have never thought that Bai Jing would have a power like this.

"Fuck!" The people in the car were all cursing angrily as they desperately attacked with their abilities. Fortunately, Zhang Qiucheng was the boss. Their car was one of the few modified cars, and the people in the car were all powerful and capable. Otherwise, they would probably have been swept under by the ants by now.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Ant claws smashed against the window, reverberating a ghastly sound. They didn't know when the ants would break through the window; their bloody mouths gaped under their antenna, revealing cracked teeth as they opened and closed in the dim light. Their desire to eat and devour filled the space with an atmosphere of bloodthirsty fear.

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Colorful flashes of abilities being used blossomed in the dark tunnel. Bai Jing looked at the rearview mirror and felt a little peace of mind. Although he didn't like Zhang Qiucheng, he didn't really want to kill him. Although this man was fierce, he was still a talented person. Moreover, they all say that misfortune lasts for a thousand years; Bai Jing refused to believe that this level of danger could really put him down. If that was the case, then he was simply too useless.

Xiao Sa drove the car forward wildly, and Bai Jing did not dare to delay at all, suppressing his nausea to gather the rocks in the tunnel into his storage space the entire way. He wasn't worried about much else, but he was afraid of scooping up the ants – he didn't want to put these terrible things into his space.

"Drive faster, the space screen won't last long." The clock was ticking, but they had only passed through half of the tunnel. Bai Jing secretly began to worry; although the space screen was very useful, it could only be used for ten minutes at a time, and he wouldn't be able to use it again until two hours had passed. If they didn't manage to get through the tunnel in ten minutes, they would soon be up against a difficult fight.

Xiao Sa naturally understood his worries. Having acted together for so long, they had a certain degree of understanding about their respective abilities. Although he wasn't afraid of the ants, it was true that ants could bite an elephant to death. If he could save himself from having to exert any effort, who would purposely go and seek a fight? Let alone the ants, the exhausted and frustrated Zhang Qiucheng would definitely not have any goodwill towards them after meeting with misfortune and having been tricked by Little Jing.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The gas pedal under his foot was floored to the ground regardless of whether there were rocks in front of them or not. Bai Jing and Xiao Sa cooperated very smoothly, and Bai Jing ignored his nausea. In any case, he had a lot of room in his space, so he collected everything that blocked the road...

Itjcu Hlemtfcu cbalmfv atf rlaejalbc jcv egufv tlr reybgvlcjafr ab wbnf obgkjgv delmxis. Ktflg mjg tjv yffc yfjafc eq yfsbcv gfmbuclalbc, jcv atfs mbeivc'a joobgv ab vfijs. Lf vlvc'a yfilfnf atja Wljb Vj kbeiv jmmfifgjaf revvfcis obg cb gfjrbc.

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