Chapter 51

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A commotion could be heard coming from some distance ahead. Yu Yue's instincts responded by filling him with terror making him quickly yell: "Fall back! There's a large number of zombies coming this way."

Wang Xuebing's reflexes reacted without hesitation, even before his mind could register what he was doing, his hands had grabbed the steering wheel and turned the car around. Yu Yue hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke: "Everyone fall back quickly and take the east lane."

After a few days of cooperation, everyone was now in sync, so all the cars quickly turned around in a uniform manner and drove away. By the sound of people shouting and screaming behind them, it was likely that the young man and his group had already been attacked.

Wang Xuebing silently stared at the rearview mirror.

The cars had barely covered 100 meters before they heard a bloodcurdling scream followed by a loud roar. Then they heard the sound of cars as the young man and his group followed them, leaving behind some of their companions, who kept screaming as they were quickly overwhelmed by the zombie horde.

"Damn! They're bringing the zombies with them." Yu Yue said anxiously as he shifted restlessly in his seat. At the moment, his psychic power was still not strong enough so he had to rely on his eyesight. However, it was currently dark out and on top of that, it was raining, which made it hard for him to see their surroundings. All he knew was that there were zombies behind them.



The people in the cars that were following behind their group kept shouting as they drove, and a person in the foremost car incessantly called out for help as they recklessly drove their car at full speed towards them. The zombies were attracted by the sound of their screams, and the closer they got to Bai Jing's group, the more it seemed like zombies were rushing towards them from all directions.

Even if Wang Xuebing was not a temperamental person, he couldn't help but feel a little angry. Fuck! How had they found themselves in such a dangerous situation because this group of people insisted on clinging to them?

Xiao Sa looked at the vehicles behind them. A cold look flashed in his eyes as he asked in a dark voice: "How many zombies in total?"

Yu Yue broke out into a cold sweat. He had really improved his courage by much in these past few days; however, in the face of such a major crisis, it was inevitable that he would be frightened. There was even a tremor in his voice as he answered: "Very many, at least three hundred, I don't know the exact number. It's too dark outside so I can't see clearly. I only know that a dense horde of zombies is chasing after them and that there's the smell of blood coming from their vehicles."

Xiao Sa was silent for a moment as he contemplated the situation in his heart before he instructed them without the slightest hint of hesitation: "Turn around and head back towards the county town."

Yu Yue froze, his face expressionless as a shiver ran through his entire body: "Elder brother..."

Xiao Sa cast a cold look towards Yu Yue, and although he didn't speak out in anger, his manner was imposing as he said: "You can't always run and hide from every difficult situation. If you do, then how will you all be able to survive in the future? Brothers, you all need to toughen up. Certainly, you all don't want to become hindrances in the future."

"I agree." After listening, Bai Jing immediately nodded in agreement. However, his thoughts were different from Xiao Sa's. That is, if they turned back, those cars chasing behind them would definitely not get the chance to keep 'following after them. Furthermore, zombies targeted who to bite based on their sense of smell and since that group of people reeked of blood, they should lead most of the zombies away from them and the few leftover zombies could then be used to give everyone here a chance to practice their skills.

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