Chapter 73

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Cao Lei and Wang Xuebing did not say much. Since it was their comrade's choice, they could only respect it. In any case, they would just take better care of each other in the future.

After a while, the food was all sent over. They hadn't had food like this for a long time, so the group of men wolfed it down and talked while eating. The atmosphere was unexpectedly relaxed.

After having had enough food and drink, Zhang Baoqiang finally asked, "What are you planning to do? If you need anything, just speak out."

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Xiao Sa nodded and didn't hold back. "At present, there are too few people in the base. I hope you can join the patrol team. It's eight hours a day, and counts as 20 points."

"Points?" Zhang Baoqiang was puzzled.

Wang Xuebing smiled and explained, "It's part of the base's rules and regulations. The points are the base's currency and can be exchanged for housing, food, and extra time for water and electricity. If you want to eat in restaurants or go to bars, you can use points too. As long as it is something that belongs to the base, you can use points to exchange for it."

Zhang Baoqiang's expression showed his understanding, and he felt grateful in his heart, believing that this was Xiao Sa showing him some special concern. They had only just arrived and naturally did not have many supplies in their hands. Now, they already had a way to find work for their people. He hurriedly agreed, "Okay. Boss Xiao can rest assured. My subordinates are all at your disposal."

Xiao Sa was a little taken aback, but did not try to explain, allowing him to keep this misunderstanding. He calmly continued, "After you've settled in, go to the office tomorrow to register. I will be leaving the base for a while in the next few days and am worried about the base. A lot of newcomers have come from outside today, and we must take strict precautions. I heard that C City was attacked by zombies, and I'm afraid there might be some infected people here too. You guys should also be more careful."

"Don't worry, Boss Xiao. I understand." Zhang Baoqiang's expression turned sombre, and a look of pain flashed by. It seemed that he had also recalled some bad memories.

Xiao Sa didn't ask much. It was a common thing for people around them to turn into zombies. There was nobody here who hadn't seen a few sad things.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Wang Xuebing was slightly surprised and turned to Xiao Sa. "You're going out?"

"Not me, it's us." Xiao Sa embraced Bai Jing and his lips curved slightly.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"Behave." Bai Jing glared at him fiercely. There were strangers here – he should act appropriately.

Wljb Vj ijeutfv delfais. Lf xcfk Olaaif Alcu kjr atlc-rxlccfv, rb tf rlwqis ugjyyfv tlr tjcv jcv gfoerfv ab ifa la ub jr tf rqbxf ab Jjb Ofl, "Tbe'gf mbwlcu klat er."

Snfc yfobgf Jjb Ofl mbeiv rqfjx eq, Qjcu Wefylcu yeaafv lc, "Qtja jybea wf?"

Djl Alcu qbeafv. Lf tjv cb kjs ab vfji klat Wljb Vj, yea tlr gfjmalbcr kfgf delmx ktfc la mjwf ab Qjcu Wefylcu. "Tbe'gf rajslcu ja tbwf ab ibbx joafg atf yjrf. P'w ifjnlcu atf kjgftberf ab sbe jcv We Ofl ab ibbx joafg abufatfg."

"Why?" Wang Xuebing was dissatisfied. He hadn't taken action in a long time. In fact, he also wanted to go out on a mission.

Bai Jing looked askance at him and then mercilessly used words to attack. "Can you promise that you won't randomly turn into a nice guy? I'm worried we'll get dragged down."

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