Chapter 91

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After they left, Xiao Sa grabbed hold of Bai Jing, his tone full of jealousy as he asked, "Who is Tian Yongping?"

Bai Jing couldn't help but laugh, "How would I know?" It was just someone who had been the subject of army gossip. Who told him to have such good hearing? He had used his spiritual power today and heard several pieces of gossip on Tian Yongping. Luckily, it had come in handy today.

Xiao Sa harrumphed twice, signifying his forgiveness, then declared, "In the future, you're not allowed to use that kind of expression when talking about women."

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What kind of expression? Bai Jing was perplexed, then made a 囧 face; hadn't he just spoken with respect? It wasn't as though Xiao Sa was unaware of the situation they had been in just now. Tian Yongping's woman was so sultry, willful, and influential that even the soldiers disliked her, nevermind himself.

Bai Jing rolled his eyes at Xiao Sa before continuing onward, secretly feeling a little delighted. He really liked Xiao Sa's domineering attitude and jealous appearance.

Xiao Sa noticed from the corner of his eye that the tip of his lover's ears were red and hurried to follow him. Although he really wanted to take his lover into his arms and ravage him, their current task was more important.

The two of them walked onward; their goal was the convoy of trucks. Other than being intercepted and interrogated twice on the way over, they managed to pass through smoothly by using Tian Yongping's name. Perhaps that woman's reputation was too bad, because with the addition of Bai Jing's arrogant, contemptuous attitude, it only reinforced other people's impression that he was looking down on them. When faced with those who despised them, people would naturally feel less suspicious – some human behavior always stayed constant. What's more, the soldiers they encountered were all ordinary soldiers. Other than a few experienced soldiers who had been assigned to the night shift, the ones who really could judge if there was a problem had mostly been assigned to guarding the barracks or were soundly asleep. Under such close watch, who would have thought that someone would dare sneak in to attack?

They found the supply trucks and counted them – there really were quite a few rows of vehicles lined up. They saw that a few of the soldiers were grouped together, chatting in low voices while a fierce bonfire burned nearby. Based on their conversation, the trucks should contain both weapons and food.

Bai Jing's lips curved into a smile as they hid in the shadows of the night. They weren't that close to the vehicles; he clearly knew that with level-one ability users in the army, if he wasn't careful, he would expose their whereabouts. He moved wordlessly in sync with Xiao Sa as they watched for a gap that would allow them to sneak into the nearby thicket. The darkly painted night was their best natural protection. Xiao Sa shielded him as he made use of his greatest cheat and teleported into the trucks.

He had only just managed to catch his footing when he was caught off guard by an alarm that resonated through the night. Bai Jing did not dare delay for a moment. His space shield had already disappeared, and he had to act as quickly as possible. He didn't have time to check what was in front of him as he stuffed everything into his space regardless of what it was, working as quick as lightning. After he was done, he tossed out a timed grenade and hurriedly moved on to the next car. It only took him 30 seconds to sweep through it all, but the barracks were already swarming with activity by then, and a large number of soldiers had arrived.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

"Assemble..." A solemn command sounded out.

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