Chapter 78

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Suddenly, Bai Jing's pupils shrank. Something inside a permanent shop had caught his attention. Xiao Sa's gaze followed his line of sight, and his expression turned sombre.

"Where did this thing come from?" Bai Jing walked over. His gaze was fixed on something on top of the wooden counter – a sparkling crystal nucleus.

The owner of the stall raised his head listlessly, saw Bai Jing's figure, and immediately straightened up. "General Xiao—"

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Bai Jing frowned; he was very dissatisfied about being ignored. The stall's owner shivered and quickly added, "These are the goods that a team brought over to sell yesterday."

"Which team?" Bai Jing asked impassively as he picked up the crystal nucleus and looked at it carefully. It was a level one zombie's crystal nucleus. If something like this could appear here, it meant that danger was not far away.

The stall owner's expression stiffened. He had clearly taken note of General Xiao's indulgence towards this youth and did not dare neglect him, "It's from the Hope Team, a small team that just arrived yesterday. They don't have many people and appeared quite miserable. They didn't have many materials on hand. This crystal nucleus is very beautiful – I heard it was taken from a zombie's head. I've never seen its like before, so I brought it out to sell since it's convenient. This thing..."

A thought glimmered in the depths of the stall owner's eyes; if this was something that even General Xiao would be interested in, perhaps he had really discovered a treasure.

"Hope Team? Where did they get the nuclei from?" Bai Jing pondered for a moment, ignoring the owner's inquiring gaze as he mulled over the thought in his heart. Perhaps they could also open a stall and take advantage of the fact that nobody knew the role that crystal nuclei would play in order to purchase more.

"I'm not sure about that either. I heard that they escaped from Z Province and planned to go to B City, and are only resting here temporarily. They currently live in Zone C."

Z Province? Bai Jing looked up at Xiao Sa, wanting to know if he had heard any news from there recently.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Xiao Sa shook his head. Communication wasn't easy now. C City was in the opposite direction from Z Province. They had not heard anything about powerful zombies on the way back.

Djl Alcu vlvc'a mbcmfgc tlwrfio bnfgwemt jybea atlr wjaafg. Ofnfi bcf hbwylfr wjs yf vjcufgber ab batfgr, yea obg atfw, la kjr qgfmlrfis ktja atfs cffvfv. Aera jr atfs kfgf kbggslcu jybea ktfgf ab ufa atf cemifl ogbw, rbwfbcf tjv ajxfc atf lclaljalnf ab rfcv atfw bnfg bc j rlinfg qijaafg.

"How much for this?" Bai Jing asked calmly. Even the smallest bit counted; he would buy it first and then figure out the rest later. Although the base was in a good position now, they only had a few high-level ability users. Crystal nuclei were essential if they wanted to make any great improvements to the base's strength.

"You can set the price..." The owner hesitated for a moment before finally speaking in a humble tone.

Bai Jing sneered and slid a glance over the stall owner. For him to stay in business despite so few customers meant that he must have some skills. The owner clearly didn't know what the crystal nucleus was, but he used the strategy of retreating in order to advance in order to test him out. Did the stall owner think he was a fool? "I asked you to set a price, so just set a price. Why are you being so difficult?"

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