Chapter 36

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Realizing that this matter had still not been resolved, Xiao Sa's facial expression suddenly changed, and the air around him became more oppressive, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.

Then suddenly, a red flash appeared in the sky. The lightning gradually became brighter and brighter, shining brightly in the horizon as if to demonstrate its power.

"What's going on?" Someone in the crowd stood up and asked.

"The way it's flashing in the sky is really beautiful." Another person exclaimed.

Xiao Sa's heart sank and his eyes darkened as his mind emptied of almost all thought. He didn't need to think hard to recognize that this was what his kitten had said was the sign of the apocalypse.

"Ah... Watch out!" someone screamed after a few moments of shocked silence.

Everyone could see that the lightning in the sky was getting closer and increasing in intensity. The abrupt storm filled their hearts with an inexplicable feeling of fear.

The lighting kept getting closer and closer to N city, and there also appeared to be something falling from the sky.

With a loud sound, the lightning finally struck down.

"Ah... isn't that..."

Before he even finished speaking, Xiao Sa had already ran outside like a mad man. Having grown up in N City, how could he not identify the hotel where little Jing was staying?

"Brother..." Zhou Ji shouted as he rushed to keep up with Xiao Sa.

However, Cheng Shaoxin moved his body to block his path: "Hey slow down little brother Zhou, something hasn't been handed over yet." "What do you want? Step aside brother, I won't let you off easily this time." Zhou Ji's usually gentle eyes flashed over with a fierce look. He who has always been too softhearted refused to let these people bully him.

Cheng Shaoxin knew that there was safety in number and thus was not intimidated by Zhou Ji. At the wave of his hand, a group of people surrounded them.

"I should explain myself more clearly. If you leave, don't come back. You have to think carefully, because after the handover is complete, there will no longer be a place for any of you here with me. "

None of the one hundred members who remained with Xiao Sa even glanced at him, they only hurriedly rushed out. Cheng Shaoxin was disappointed by the outcome, but he neither felt bad nor cared. He had only wanted to pressure Zhou Ji into immediately handing over the money. And so Zhou Ji had no choice but to let the others leave first and he would follow later.

Han Yan thought for a moment, then turned around and ran out with the rest. Xiao Sa had spoken harshly to him, yet he couldn't ignore the long history he had shared with his brothers. Instead he just decided to curse Bai Jing, who was the source of all these problems.

The fact was, he would never again dare to be impudent. Thinking to himself that he couldn't afford to always treat that guy as a bodhisattva. Therefore, even with the weather as it was outside, it was still vital that he found his brother.

No matter how chaotic the roads were, Xiao Sa drove the car in a rampage, one hand on the steering wheel while the other was continuously dialing the phone. He had never been so frantic. He suddenly hated himself as he questioned why he hadn't stayed with his kitten.

Boom! A tall billboard was blown down by the wind onto the road, blocking the way forward. Xiao Yu slammed the steering wheel with his hands, his gaze barely concealing his anxiety. Then he fearlessly jumped out of the car and started running towards the hotel, his ears picking up the sounds of his subordinates calling out to him: "Brother, wait..."

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