Chapter 49

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"You're up."

"You're up."

Although the two voices spoke at the same time, Wang Xuebing's tone and attitude towards Bai Jing compared to that of Xiao Sa was as different as black and white. He gazed at Bai Jing as if he has just seen his savior right before he started chattering off about things that didn't entirely make sense: "Wake up at once and hurry up and help, little Meng's dimension is not large enough to pack all these things ."

Bai Jing shot out of Xiao Sa's arms and asked: "Have you all been going around murdering and looting?" Little Meng's dimension was ten square meters, even the supplies they had collected from his villa hadn't been able to eat up all that space.

"We haven't murdered anyone, just looted." Wang Xuebing's facial expression was serious as he honestly answered the question.

Bai Jing vomited blood. He had really wanted to tear them a new one for wasting so much time, but just as he was about to do that, he suddenly realized that this must have definitely been Cao Lei's idea, so he could only weakly ask: "How much has been looted?"

Qin Hao's head suddenly popped out of nowhere. Instead of looking embarrassed his little face was glowing with excitement as if he was extremely proud of their glorious achievements, and then he said: "Not much, only three big trucks full of things."

Bai Jing rubbed his forehead and his lips twitched as he opened the window and saw that there were indeed three more trucks behind. This also made that him very curious as to exactly how they had managed to quickly pack up so many things into the trucks.

Wang Xuebing mumbled: "Little Meng is very obedient."

Thus, Bai Jing understood that they had accomplished this through free labor. After all, everyone knew that a hidden dimension was a very effective tool for moving things.

Xiao Sa sighed, but inwards he was also somewhat delighted. At first, his thoughts were the same as Bai Jing's, as in, he would have also liked to have covered more distance by now, but Cao Lei concerns and actions were also correct. No one knew the real size of ​​Bai Jing's dimension, and they also didn't know that they had already made advance preparations. Therefore, collecting supplies on the road was done for the well being of everyone. When he thought of the fact that only he knew Bai Jing's secret, Xiao Sa's heart immediately filled with pride.

Alas! Child, what you actually know is also bogus. Little Jing has too many hidden trump cards... "

Stop the cars at the intersection ahead." Bai Jing had no other choice but to comply. Since they were already delayed he might as well take the time to store the supplies properly. The trucks were good, but unfortunately, they weren't modified and so would be useless when they met zombies on the road. The important thing when choosing anything was its impact on their security.

When he saw the supplies, Bai Jing found that they were all good items and so he quickly placed them in his dimension. Cao Lei was very smart as most of the supplies collected were gasoline. In fact, he knew that here on the highway, other than gas stations, you could also find mini supermarkets by the roadside in case you wanted to collect other types of items. As for the trucks, they were abundant by the roadside and the trick to unlocking them was very straightforward.

Then Bai Jing also had little Meng take out the items in the dimension, leaving him with only a small amount of daily necessities, and some few things to eat. Like this, little Meng would have enough space to collect more supplies in the future.

After a ten-minute break, Bai Jing took out lunch boxes and gave it to everyone. The group quickly ate their food by the roadside and by the time they were done it was almost five o'clock. Xiao Sa then directly ordered: "No more stops on the road, we travel full speed ahead."

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