Chapter 27

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But no matter what, Bai Jing was in the car. Biting his mouth, wrinkling his nose, he stared at Xiao Sa, enduring his anger but with a helpless appearance. Bai Jing must not know how lovely his expression was.

Xiao Sa's eyes did not blink. He simply could not wait to become a wolf, but fortunately, he still held back. He was somewhat complacent. Bai Jing to him really was not the same as others. Although he was puzzled, this did not prevent him from getting close to Bai Jing. No matter the reason, as long as he stood, the stepping stone could roll wherever it wanted.

He just did not know, that if Xiao Sa knew he was a piece of stepping stone, what expression would he have.

Arriving at the restaurant, they casually finished some breakfast. Xiao Sa took the lead in talking about medicine. Bai Jing looked at him in surprise because Xiao Sa did not understand this part before. It could not be that he crammed this information all last night.

What he guessed was right. Xiao Sa, in order to pursue him, put in a lot of effort. He Yong was hard labored and forced to complain, and then was released after midnight. Xiao Sa simply did not sleep, rushed to Bai Jing's door at early dawn, and called.

Xiao Sa had no expression. For those efforts, he certainly would not admit that, and then he fluently spoke about N city and mentioned he had seen Bai Jing in N City. Originally, he would liked to have visited, but unfortunately, he was delayed and missed. Fortunately, this time they met.

Bai Jing suddenly realized that he and Xiao Sa possibly missed more than once?

Xiao Sa frowned. He did not like Bai Jing's expression. It looked distracted, who was he thinking of?

"I'll take you to a place." Xiao Sa paid the bill, took Bai Jing and left.

Bai Jing recovered, and he could not help but ridicule himself. In fact, when he and Xiao Sa met, and he was still at his side, what did he sigh about? Whether they missed or not, at least now they were together, right?

Moreover, Bai Jing glanced at the cold man, and looked at him tightly holding his hands. An inexplicable mood raised from the bottom of his heart, and he suddenly wanted to enjoy the feeling of being pursued.

In the last life, that guy was not this polite, but at this point, Bai Jing could also understand. At his last life, he was too arrogant with a big temper and was not sensible. His mouth kept only talking about his father, and when they met, Bai Jing had been very down-and-out. Now, they could not the same day have a "the status decides everything." This sentence in the real world was not false, or else, with Xiao Sa's character, Bai Jing did not believe he could stand here now.

However, Bai Jing smiled. Since Xiao Sa wanted to pursue him, then he could wait to see the move. Taking a break before the outbreak, he was afraid he would not have another opportunity. As long as it did not delay the matter, for Xiao Sa's attentive acts, Bai Jing did not deny, in fact, he quite liked it.

Xiao Sa saw that Bai Jing's feelings turned for the better and felt relieved, but then this was followed by anger. His rough and big hands tightened and spread out cold air. He only complained about the parking lot was too close to the building. Bai Jing's hand was soft and smooth, finally he could hold it, was he easy to achieve?

Wow, Big Brother Sa, this was obvious anger!

On the car, Bai Jing did not ask, very consciously sat on passenger seat.

Xiao Sa reluctantly let go of his hand, and when his fingertips seemed to have left with Bai Jing's warmth, he could not help but be jealous, he sized up Bai Jing. Although the rumors were different, Bai Jing was particularly tolerant of him. Certainly this was not without reasons, even because of the piece of stepping stone, which only let him to account for a lot of benefits. He was still sour, and if he let him find out who that person was, Xiao Sa thought, he must destroy that one's whole family.

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