Chapter 90

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As his spiritual power slowly spread to the surrounding areas, Bai Jing clearly felt that there were several spiritual fluctuations in the air. He carefully shielded his own aura, feeling secretly alarmed. At the end of the day, they were still military who kept a strict guard. Today, if it hadn't been for that group of people acting as a cover for them, it would have been much more difficult for Zhang Qiucheng's subordinates to make their move.

Noises reached his ears, so Bai Jing divided his mental power into several strands, carefully sifting out useful news...

Suddenly, the sounds of a quarrel drifted over.

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"General, the events today were suspicious. I suspect there's a traitor."

"Xu Boyuan, don't talk nonsense. Who are you calling a traitor?"

"Humph!" Xu Boyuan sneered coldly, "How would I know who it is? Today's events were too much of a coincidence. How could it have happened without a traitor?"

"This is something none of us expected. It could be one of the General's enemies who wants control of the army."

"What kind of enemies could there be in the world now? Everyone's too busy. And it's not just the General's enemies who would covet the army."

"You've forgotten our destination. It's hardly a surprise that some people would be scared.

"You've also forgotten what the situation in the Capital is like right now. All the factions are in a state of chaos and are only looking out for themselves. Other than traitors, who else would have the ability to make an underhanded move against the General?"

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"This... Anyway, I don't believe that there's a traitor."

"Okay, okay. Stop arguing. Xu Boyuan's words have some logic to them." Another voice spoke up.

The first person was still a little angry, but he was also a bit incredulous, "Cai Xiu, why do you also feel this way?"

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Cai Xiu answered coldly, "Isn't it the case? We should've dealt with that group of people who came over today sooner. If you and Zuo Mao hadn't blocked us, they wouldn't have had any opportunity to set up an ambush."

"Qf'gf rbivlfgr..." Ktja qfgrbc gbjgfv. Llr nblmf kjr jcugs, yea la kjr jirb wbegcoei.

Fcobgaecjafis obg tlw, Jjl Wle vlvc'a jqqgfmljaf la, "Vabq yflcu remt j tsqbmglaf. Tbe'nf xliifv delaf j ofk qfbqif abb."


"Scbeut. Cii bo sbe, rabq jguelcu. Vagfcuatfc atf uejgv bearlvf. Efujgvlcu Ieb Zjb... kf'ii xffq kjamt bnfg tlw obg cbk. Cr obg sbe, Al Kbcu, kf'nf kbgxfv abufatfg obg wjcs sfjgr. P xcbk sbeg mtjgjmafg, yea rbwfalwfr, sbe cffv ab abcf vbkc atja qblcaifrr rswqjats. Ktlcx jybea sbeg jeca – rtf'r ralii kjlalcu obg sbe lc Jlas D."

"..." Ji Tong opened his mouth, closed it, and said nothing more.

After guessing these people's identities, Bai Jing withdrew his spiritual power. He felt quite disdainful of these people. Sure enough, disagreements arose anywhere people were gathered. However, Ji Tong's intuition had been quite accurate. At the end of the day, he and Xiao Sa really were Yan Gang's enemies.

Bai Jing opened his eyes. Feeling vexed, he inwardly cursed at Zhang Qiucheng. Although they were able to cause trouble for Yan Gang today, it had also had the effect of beating the grass to scare the snake. If it weren't for the fact that his spiritual strength was several times more powerful than ordinary ability users, it would have been very difficult to investigate the situation within the camp. They had set up three layers of protection inside and outside, and their precautions were even more comprehensive than when they protected the former head of state.

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