Chapter 54

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They quickly swept through and gathered everything up. Seeing that the others had not yet come out, they hurried over to the shop next door. Bai Jing collected everything he could find, regardless of whether or not it was useful. In any case, his hidden dimension was large, and it was pointless to keep it empty.

Before long, the people upstairs came down. Other than Liu Wei, who was carrying Little Meng in his arms, everyone was carrying large makeshift bed sheet packages filled with supplies.

"That's everything. The rest is with Little Meng. The supermarket seems like it's been looted before, with bottles and cans all over the floor, rice and wine spilt all over the place. We haven't gone to the third floor yet, since we wanted to bring these things over first. Little Meng's space is also full."

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Xiao Sa nodded and only let Bai Jing collect a portion of it. The remainder went into the cars. Even if there were space powers, they should still make other preparations.

Bai Jing's face was red, and his heart felt somewhat embarrassed. He had never considered these problems before.

When Little Meng's space had been emptied, the others went back to the shopping mall while Xiao Sa and Bai Jing fought and looted through the shops on the roadside. After they had repeated the process three times, everything they could find in the shopping mall had been basically cleared out. They returned to the cars and proceeded onwards.

They stopped frequently as they travelled, and it was only when they had left the county town that they began to pick up speed. They passed by a gas station and wanted to collect some gasoline, but discovered that there was hardly a drop left. Not only the storage area, but even the gas pumps seemed to be covered in a very thick layer of dust.

With a sigh of regret, Yu Yue was about to get back into the car when he heard the sounds of fighting. He looked back and said, "There's someone over there. It's seems to be the couple we met earlier this morning."

Bai Jing raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised. He had never thought that these two would be so capable, even able to escape from a large group of zombies.

Xiao Sa was silent for a moment. "Wait a bit first." This county town was really strange. It would be good if there was somebody they could ask.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Soon afterwards, the sound of a motorcycle was heard in the distance. The woman rode at the front, and the man was at the back releasing his powers. The few zombies that had been following behind them were wiped out in no time. They noticed the cars in front of them before they could even breathe a sigh of relief, but there was no surprise, and no cheers. Rather, they seemed to be on guard.

The woman stopped the motorcycle some distance away and did not move forward. The man opened his helmet and looked at them quietly. They seemed to be waiting, yet wary at the same time.

Xiao Sa saw this, and picked up the walkie-talkie: "Zhou Ji, go and ask about the situation."

Zhou Ji confirmed that he had received the order, got out of the car, and walked over alone.

The man and woman saw that there was only one person, and the guarded look in their eyes lessened somewhat, but they remained in an attacking position. If anything was even slightly wrong, these two people would definitely run away quickly.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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