Chapter 72

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Time passed quickly, and while they were busy, three months had already gone by. The weather gradually improved, the ice and snow beginning to show signs of melting. Those at the base looked on and cheered, but Bai Jing only felt his heart grow heavy as he spent more and more effort practicing his abilities.

Xiao Sa was distressed watching him, but he also didn't know how to console him. He knew that Little Jing was eager to become stronger, just like himself. He saw the weather getting warmer and heard the radio reports, and knew what was happening in other places. He understood very well in his heart that they did not have many peaceful days left.

Ever since the snow began to melt and cars could drive, many people had started to leave the base without Xiao Sa having to clean them out. Liu Wanfa also brought his people and left the base in a swagger, making a grand event out of it and narrowing his eyes as he looked at Yang Wenhua.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Local residents couldn't wait to pack up their things and leave in a hurry, hoping to catch up with this season's grain cultivation when they get back.

Bai Jing looked on coldly, pity in his eyes. None of them could know that after the baptism of heavy snow, the soil had deteriorated and no crops could be planted in the fields. When the weather truly warmed up, the sunshine brought not hope, but rather layer after layer of despair. Without a safe living environment, those people would surely die.

Bai Jing looked on indifferently and said nothing. He found that after his rebirth, his heart had become as hard and cold as iron and stone.

Under the faint sunlight, the bustling scene that been taking place during the snowy period was absent. The base became cold and empty, and the only thing that they could be grateful for was that the city wall had been more than half completed, the houses in the outer city were almost all built and only needed some finishing up, and as long as they worked a little harder, everything would be completed in a few dozen days.

In the meantime, not long after Xiao Sa rose up to level two, Cao Lei did as well. With the help of Bai Jing's spring water, seven others from Chen Dawei's group and five of Xiao Sa's subordinates also developed abilities. Yang Wenhua was very envious – out of his twelve subordinates, only seven of them had developed abilities. Between Xiao Sa and Bai Jing combined, their power really ranked them as the strongest force in the base.

Bai Jing was busy practicing his abilities, and Xiao Sa wasn't idle either. He ordered all his subordinates who weren't on patrol duty to drive out and collect materials every day. He also asked the earth powers to speed up the construction of a three-kilometer secret tunnel that led outside the base. The entrance was built under the apartment where they lived. A cunning rabbit had three burrows; he would never leave himself with only one road of retreat.

On that day, the two of them had just returned from their trip outside and entered the base when they discovered that the atmosphere was heavy. There also seemed to be many new faces, with lots of people standing in the isolation area outside the gates. The guards at the door almost couldn't handle it all.

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Bai Jing frowned. They had not seen any people on the road, nor had they heard anything unusual. Of course, this did not rule out that they might have approached from a different road.

By the time they arrived at the office, Xie Minhang had already been waiting for a long time, his expression heavy. Bai Jing's heart also turned anxious. He had known that their peaceful days would not last long, but he didn't expect the end to come so fast.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

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