Chapter 39

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With Yu Yue's guidance, they made it to the park without any incidents.

A moment later, another one of their cars came rushing towards them, as a bolt of ice fired into the distant. Bai Jing recognized this as the manifestation of someone's mutant ice powers. Xiao Sa's men must be really talented people.

After getting off the car, Bai Jing was surprised and also found it a bit strange to learn that the owner of the ice power was Xie Minhang. If he was not mistaken, in his last life Xie Minhang should have been a psychic warrior, so how could his powers have mutated into the ability to control ice in this lifetime?

But the reality was that if he could be reborn, then a person changing their mutant powers couldn't be a big deal. So in fact, after thinking about it, he decided not to probe into this situation any further. The more ferocious Xiao Sa's men were, the more capable they would be at dealing with the current situation.

"Run quickly." Yu Yue shouted as he pointed a shaky finger towards a certain direction.

Everyone's minds focused and Bai Jing intently stared at the direction that Yu Yue was pointing towards. Then suddenly, the third car came from a dirt road, followed by more than a hundred vicious looking zombies. He didn't hesitate for even a moment, as he brought out his gun and coldly said: "Aim for the head and use a silencer."

Hearing his words, those who had wanted to run back into the cars paused, a cold sweat breaking on their foreheads, and their hearts thundering loudly in their chests. Young master, this is not more than ten zombies but more than one hundred zombies.

Without waiting for them to make up their minds, a solemn and murderous aura surrounded Bai Jing's entire body, before the muffled sound of bullets firing was heard, one accurate shot after another. Even the man who had previously been doubtful of Bai Jing's abilities couldn't help but be impressed by him.

Bai Jing saw them staring, and frowned: "What are you doing?"

Li Yi's shrugged while shaking the gun in his hand and said: "No silencers."

They had just stopped in this area so they could reorganize themselves. The sound of bullets firing would definitely rouse the curiosity of other people in the vicinity, or even attract more zombies to their location.

Bai Jing didn't bother being conspicuous as he took several guns directly from his dimension, before tossing them to the other: "I'll divide them up yourselves."

"Thank you young master Jing." Li Yi smiled. This time it was a sincere thank you. My God! Not only were the guns good, but he didn't expect that this young master Jing would be such a genuine person. At least towards them, he hadn't hidden anything.

The ability to use a hidden dimension? Li Yi eyes lit up. The first thing that came to mind was the convenience of moving things.

Bai Jing wasn't interested in paying attention to him. No matter how he looked at it, he needed to continue concentrating his energy on shooting at the heads of the zombies coming towards them.

Several other people who didn't want to be left behind on the action also quickly made their move. Then they saw a speck of light shining on top of the car that was approaching them, which then turned into a large flame.

"Fuck! Has someone else awakened their powers? "Liu Wei shouted as the flame came alive. Admiration flashed in his eyes when the fire grew even more ferocious.

Bai Jing thought to himself: that is the ability to control fire, isn't it? It wasn't surprising that people worthy of being part of the criminal underworld would awaken mutant powers. What was unexpected was that all their awakened abilities were in the attack category.

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