Chapter 66

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Sister Lian was silent. They had already reached this point in the discussion – what else needed to be said? The intent in their hearts must have been seen by the other party. Smart people did not speak deceitful words. Sister Lian's eyes darkened slightly and she took on an attitude of negotiation as she said, "Boss Xiao must know what our goal is and why Wenhua and I are making this journey. We are also very interested in that place."

Leng Han kept his mouth shut and did not speak, only watching their exchange. He was not part of the triad, and did not understand the rules of their world. Businessmen looked at profit first. He had originally wanted to go to B City, but he was now more clear in his heart that the world now was different from before. He was no longer the president of a conglomerate; although he had people and materials, he still would not count for much if he made it there. Since he wanted to find a stable place, if he found a suitable person and saw that there were certain advantages to be had, he would naturally lean in that direction. In his case, he only needed to wait and see.

Bai Jing sneered, and spoke before Xiao Sa could, glancing scornfully at Sister Lian. "Woman, you're being so pointless. I only told you in advance out of respect for Xiao Sa. If you have the capability, then use your fists to speak. If you have the ability, then come and snatch it. But by then, don't complain that I'm not showing any mercy. We're not even familiar with each other."

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Sister Lian felt stifled, and her heart was filled with anger. Bai Jing really had nobody in his eyes, and even if he was a princeling of the ruling party of China, the world was now so chaotic; how long would he be able to stay proud for?

Xiao Sa smiled faintly, and acted as though he had not seen Sister Lian's expression. "Mrs. Yang should not take it to heart. Little Jing has been spoiled by me, but his meaning is the same as mine. Mrs. Yang should consider it properly. Your group's strength is not bad, and I don't want to have conflict at present."

Sister Lian was extremely angered. The other party had said it all; although they said they did not want conflict, their tone was so unyielding. She and Yang Wenhua were not people who were afraid of such things!

Leng Han saw that the atmosphere had turned stiff. He laughed, and diverted the topic, asking with some surprise, "Communication has already broken down at this point. You can still contact City B?" He remembered just now that Bai Jing had said to find Zhou Ji if they wanted to get in touch with his father.

Sister Lian immediately calmed herself and listened carefully. In the situation where she had not felt out the strength of the other party, she knew very well that she could not get into a conflict with Xiao Sa. There was no need to talk about how they did not know the state of the other party's weaponry; just the fact that he was a rank one ability user was enough for them to be wary.

Xiao Sa calmly nodded. "Oh, It's just a telegram. If you need it, then do it as soon as possible today. We will be leaving tomorrow."

"Telegram?" Leng Han was struck dumb, reassessing Xiao Sa's forces in his heart. It seemed that he had still underestimated them just now. Their words were not just spoken for show, and they should really have that capability. Although a telegraph machine was not worth much money, that toy was still an antique. In current society, even in peaceful times, let alone considering that the world was chaotic, such a thing would still be difficult to find.

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Sister Lian had nothing left to say and could only laugh and praise, "Boss Xiao is really well prepared, not only having snow sledges and generators, now you even have a telegraph machine. Young master Bai should be a space ability user, right? You guys really know how to enjoy life. I'm a little envious looking on from the side."

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