Chapter 79

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Xie Minhang turned and left, passing by five youths – four men and one woman – on the way out. As the personnel manager, it was easy for him to recognize who they were. Just now, he had been too unsettled to ask about why Brother Sa was looking for the Hope Team. God knows how much he also wanted to get out of the base for a trip; after staying at the base and dealing with trivial matters all day long, he felt like even his bones were getting rusty.

However, regardless of how he felt, there was no chance to slip away now. He needed to find a successor first and take precautions so that he would have a way to step away if the opportunity arose.

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While Xie Minhang was busy scheming, the soldier brought the team to the room and quickly withdrew, leaving only the five somewhat restrained youths who appeared to be university students. Their gazes carried a sense of wariness, their thoughts written on their faces – it seemed like they had not yet seen much of the world.

"Sit down." Xiao Sa beckoned.

The five of them did not stand on ceremony. They looked at each other, and although they were uneasy, they unconsciously relaxed when they saw the situation inside the room. No wonder they all said Jing Sa City was a good place – just look at how they were living their days! Not only was there water and electricity in the base, even the rations they distributed consisted of real rice, unlike other bases that only offered one meal a day, which was either cold porridge or hard dry bread. They felt like there was nothing they had to defend against here, and nothing that they had to hide.

"Where did you guys get this crystal nucleus from?" Bai Jing got straight to the point and did not go around in conversational circles with them as he immediately pulled the nucleus from his pocket.

The Hope Team's expressions changed as they all looked towards one of the members of their group – a very steady looking youth. The only woman in their group's expression showed anger and ultimately only held her tongue after her teammates held her back.

Bai Jing raised his eyebrows as he took in all their reactions.

The young man was silent for a moment, a trace of pain flashing through his eyes. He finally spoke after thinking carefully, "We passed through Li City and encountered a powerful zombie. The crystal nucleus fell out of his brain, and we picked it up."

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

"Li City? Where is that?" Please forgive Bai Jing for his poor geography – he might have an impression of big cities, but who could remember those little towns clearly?

"At the junction of L Province."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"Lww..." Djl Alcu cbvvfv. Ciatbeut tf ralii kjrc'a delaf mifjg ktfgf atja kjr, la kjr olcf ab tjcv bnfg atlcur ilxf olueglcu bea vlgfmalbcr ab batfg qfbqif. Lf bcis cffvfv ab xcbk atf rqfmlolm ibmjalbc. Lf atbeuta obg j wbwfca, atfc jrxfv, "Yatfg atjc atf hbwylfr, kjr atfgf jcsatlcu firf?"

"No." The young man's answer was firm, and the look in his dark eyes dulled.

Bai Jing frowned. He could tell that the youth was lying. It made him a slightly unhappy, and his expression cooled as he spoke indifferently, "How many powerful zombies were there?"

"I don't know. At the time, we saw two. Their actions seemed to be more agile, more powerful, and it was very difficult for ordinary weapons injure them." The young man was sharp enough to discover that Bai Jing was unhappy and hesitated for a moment. Then, as though he had made up his mind, began to speak about the changes in the zombies without reservation.

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