Chapter 71

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After clearing up all the debris and cleaning up the prison, people began to do other tasks. First, they installed generators. The prison area was too large and the small generators were not enough, so Xiao Sa simply ordered that a site be cleared out as a power station. Yang Chonghui used to work in the electricity bureau, so his experience came in handy and the matter of electricity and power was handed over to him.

Regarding the water problem, Leng Han put forth some suggestions. He used to be a real estate developer, and he also had an architect amongst his staff. Xiao Sa was a metal ability user, and as long as they made some minor changes to the water pipes and installed a few more gates, and limited water supply, it should be fine.

Bai Jing declined to comment after hearing all this, and only sighed in his heart. Sigh, things like talent were really scarce. He had really found treasure when they ran into Leng Han and his group of people. Even the building of the external walls and houses could be handed over to him to handle.

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Yang Wenhua's mood was different. He had thought that when he came here with his subordinates and supplies, he could still be considered an important character no matter what. But only after making comparisons did he realize that besides fighting, his group really had nothing else to offer. In fact, for him to follow Xiao Sa meant that he had picked up a great bargain. Regarding occupying the base, from beginning end, he has been unable to offer any kind of help other than to clean! The feeling of being useless and idle was really not to his damned taste!

However, Xiao Sa did not allow him to feel left out for long. Assigning guards and securing the perimeter was handed over to him and Zhou Ji to handle, and at least he was given some taste of power.

Xiao Sa also had people sort out the office building at the front and partitioned many small rooms. After thinking for a long time about what to do with the empty rooms, he decided to assign them to talented people to live in. The most important thing they needed to find were scientists and researchers. In order for their base to be big and strong, it was not enough to rely on force alone. Research labs were also indispensable.

As for the remaining eight residential buildings, the prison had originally been well designed, and each building was not too far away from the rest. It was originally divided into five districts, the two women's prison buildings were in one district, the high-risk prisoners building was in its own high security district, and the remaining five buildings were divided into three districts.

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Wljb Vj jirb obiibkfv atlr vlnlrlbc. Ktf tlut rfmeglas vlraglma kjr rfa jrlvf obg oeaegf mbcnbsr jcv nlrlabgr. Ktf yelivlcu atja rabbv bc lar bkc yfmjwf Cgfj C. Ktf gbbwr atfgf kfgf bo j rilutais tlutfg ugjvf, jcv atfgf kfgf rlcuif gfrlvfca gbbwr. Ktf akb yelivlcur ugbeqfv abufatfg yfmjwf Cgfj D jr atf fcnlgbcwfca atfgf kjr jybea atf rjwf. Cgfj J kjr jiibmjafv obg jylilas erfgr, jcv Cgfj G kjr obg atf gfra. Snfgs gbbw atfgf mbeiv tbiv akfinf qfbqif, jcv ilnlcu dejgafgr atfgf kbeiv yf jiibmjafv jmmbgvlcu ab atf wjafgljir atfs mbeiv qgbnlvf. Qjafg jcv fifmaglmlas kjr jirb reqqilfv vloofgfcais jmmbgvlcu ab vlraglmar, gjculcu ogbw bcf ab rlz tbegr j vjs.

The location of the main kitchen and library remained unchanged. Bai Jing added several pieces of equipment to the clinic, and a small hospital was planned there. They currently had two doctors – other than Liang Yi, one of the people that Leng Han had brought along was also a doctor.

There was also the large meeting hall, which Xiao Sa converted into a trading market, dividing it into dozens of small stalls. As for the small halls, one was reserved for their own use and converted into an office building, while the other was used to publish missions so that residents could earn points and rewards.

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